out of this world ch. 3

Story by Lash_the_sergal on SoFurry

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well here is chapter three hope you like it. am thinking of doing a lemon next.

Zinyak smiled at the object of her intrest. "welcome to my throne room mr. Miller. I trust your escort here was a pleasant one." Matt dispite his fear was in aww at the large muscular alien woman. He noticed she didn't have breasts as human females do but her hips where wide and curved. He also noticed her voice was deeper than any human females would be. Zinyak knew he was studying her as she was doing the same. His small body frame intrested her, the way his pale chest led down to his flat stomach was to her own honest surprise very attractive to her. She couldn't help but let her ebony eyes move lower until she noticed his hands covering his manhood. "zinji get mr. Miller something comfortable to put on." "yes queen Zinyak" the smaller zin left to do as his queen comanded. Matt worked up some courage to ask something. "w-why am i here?" he asked in a small voice. Zinyak looked at him before smilling and answering. "because i have ordered you to be retrieved and brought here" she simply said as she motioned towred a smaller throne-like seat next to hers as she sate down. "please mr. miller sit." Matt, not seeing any other choice sat beside the large nearly 9 foot tall alien queen. zinji returned with human clothes close to what matt would have worn on earth. A large collar leather jacket, a pair of brown slacks, and some comfortable shoes. After matt was dressed and slightly more comfortable Zinyak spoke again. "Mr. Miller i have a proposition for you. You see i seem to have developted an attachment to you." Matt's eyes widened as he listened to her. " My proposition is that you may stay outside of your virtual hell and have free roaming privilege to explore my ship if you agree to become my ..as you would say 'mate'.." Matt jumped fron his seat and feel on his ass and begane to scramble backward till his back hit a wall. "y-you cant be serious!" he shouted. "I asure you Matthew Miller my fellings and intintions are ginuen." was her reply as she stood up and walked twords him. "s-stay away from me" Zinyak moved closer and picked him up with him doing his best not to spaze out in the large females armes. Zinyak gently placed him back siting on the smaller throne. "there now, isnt that more comfortable than the floor Matthew?" Matt dispite his fear of the situation noded with a slight blush. "yes th-thank you" She noded and smiled as he seems to have calmed down a bit, at least for now. As the hours grew latter Matt began to wonder where it was he was to sleep. He damn near had a heart-attack when Zinyak told him they would be sharing her personal room. He almost droped dead when she told him they would also share her bed. Matt felt akwared and very scared as he climbed up into the bed with the larger being. he did his best to be as far from her as posible, but all hopes of that were slashed as two large strong armes pulled him till his back was pressed to the alien queens broad chest. "dont be so scared Matthew, i wont hurt you" came the sleepy voice of Zinyak. Matt, to say the least felt something strange in his chest. he felt...for some strange reason he felt safe in her armes. This larger lifeform, this more advanced female was holding him like he was something to protect. she actually made him feel wanted and safe. He felt tired and felt a small smile tuge at his lips as he fell asleep pressed aganst the queens chest. -ch. end.