A Human Outta Place

**This is my first fanfic so R&R. Light criticism is allowed to help me improve.** * * * Chapter 1: Not On Earth In the city of New York there was a 16 year old boy walking through its busy streets his name was Ykerum Hatake. Ykerum had spiky...


This Place called Home

In this place that i call home.

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Oh the New Places

#2 of oh the new places warning: this is going to be a pretty long introduction and story. i haven't written in a long time (been so d\*mn busy) so i thought i'd at least get something in. i hope its to everyone liking.

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Blossom in a Dark Place

It shall grow blossoms will spring in dark places with enlightened face blossoms shall spring emotions forever etched upon petals that glean stems that support roots that feed veins that bleed on sleeves blossoms will grow death will come

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A Place at the End of the World

Even amongst the company of his crew he'd felt so terribly empty, so out of place. his life was down here, with earth beneath his hooves and gravity on his shoulders. he couldn't leave it behind.

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A Place to Rest on the Ocean

In all this change, i was glad i had at least had one place that never did, one place that is timeless yesterday, today, and tomorrow. a place that is static in condition so i can call it home. a forever home out there on the ocean.

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A Place in the Universe final chapter

Within a minute kitt blasted out of the water at the alpha placing his fist right into his gut, shifting to the side, kitt clubbed the alpha down at the water, followed by a four meter diameter energy ball.

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A Place in the Universe chapter 6

Kitt stood up and placed his paw above alec's head; a soft golden light shined from the ascended lupine's paw, the glow illuminating alec's body. "c'mon alec, come back to me." slowly kitt poured his life essence into his mate.

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A Place in the Universe chapter 2

Chapter 2: Loss and Recovery "Kitt...Kitt..." an eerie voice pierced through the darkness. "You weren't there for me.... I needed you Kitt, why couldn't you protect me?" The words riddled through his mind and body like a searing hot iron rod,...

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Forbidden Place - Fortunate Love

**forbidden place - fortunate love** you'd only have to open your eyes to know what a perfect day it was. the waves were gently lapping at the shore and sparkling in the unbroken rays of the sun's glow.

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Stralia - Notes, Times, Places

#8 of stralia _stralia - notes, time, places. ~~snowdragon they say the second week is the hardest and i might just believe them as it comes to an end.

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