Blossom in a Dark Place

Story by Keycrush on SoFurry

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#1 of Poems

What is life? What can be found?

Humanity is life

Giving and taking

Cycles of rituals

Slowly coming full circle

Or is it

The knife?

That carves beauty?

Wooden shapes take form into elegant images

Words that cannot express themselves on text

Yet that carves into wounds reopened?

Shredding friendships

and creating synthetic produce.


Is but what you make

What you plant in the soil of your heart

Blossoming yet again

Pushing against the rigid cold of sorrow

And showing its face, yet to shy to speak

Even without light, it shall grow

For long as there is hope

It shall throw

Throw beams of unknown delight

Beyond space

Beyond place

It shall grow

Blossoms will spring

In dark places

With enlightened face

Blossoms shall spring

Emotions forever etched

Upon petals that glean

Stems that support

Roots that feed

Veins that bleed on sleeves

Blossoms will grow

Death will come

As it comes to all

But blossoms will grow

No matter how far you fall


That you will be able to recall

Blossoms grow

Their love will show

And you will beam

For as long as you know

That blossoms grow, to show beauty unknown.