Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 12
Charley tried to climb out of the crib, but his newborn body was just too small. he wasn't getting anyway anytime soon. he was stuck... and what had the voice said? something about being adopted.
Ch.4 Uprising
Wingbeats came down behind king selena, a hawk that was large among his own, but looked as a mear newborn when next to the eagle that was their king. a proud voice became humble as the hawk approached the king.
The Unicorn Boys Part One
"he's so tiny," the mouse said, looking at the newborn baby. "what'cha gonna call him?" princess smiled. "his name is simba kukabur. his father's last name is kukabur. thought it might be easier to trace him later on in life."
It was a small, slimy, mewling little thing bearing the telltale shape and markings of a newborn lion: spotted and, for the time being, blind and deaf. but while most lion cubs were golden brown, theirs was blindingly white.
Poem: Nature's Memories...
Through the foest of memories, nature's newborn sing throughout the voids of forever the owls echo throughout the calming breeze, their music awakning hidden memories which once locked within abyss's troubled heart.
Bani Lore! Water!
He is a morning bun and actully helps the nannys to bathe newborns, toddlers, and childeren.
Sanrose Bio (Updated with birth history)
He could trust merlin with his own life, and trusted him with his newborns as well. merlin took the child, and closed the portal after the prince went through, as he was the last one in.
Birth of A Dire (What Went on Before, Chapter 1)
He held the newborn tightly to his chest, keeping her warm and safe until what had to be done was done.
The Machine | Chapter 3 [Comm]
"scanning complete, reading is a newborn teddiursa female, initiating coddle sequence." "for the last time, i am no- mmpf!"
Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons
It was a newborn child with a chilling voice that robbed our own speech and kept our eyes wide, a child with the power to bend reality around it, a newborn with a curiosity of the world that was as powerful as its desire to grow and absorb life.
ice's childhood part two
Her mom she was going to taste or my head i was thinking what would happen if mom dies.she thought dad would leave her out,kill her,or even give her away.she didnt want to leave her family.i was scared for her mom,dad and even myself as a little newborn
Fenris' Inferno Chapter 4.5: Falling
Left broken and bare as a newborn in an unfamiliar world.