Sinking Offer (Otherwise Untitled)

, grinning broadly down to the jackalope.

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Sign Here (Otherwise Untitled)

#181 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, embarks on a surprise inspection.

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Back away from the situation

The jackalope scurries out from underneath you as does the mudkip. then the mudkip shoots a jet of water at you with a growl and you are instantly drenched.

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Back away from there

"you don't seem too bad," the jackalope adds with a chuckle. do you pick up the eevee pick up the mudkip try to catch the mew ask the jackalope his name ask about the others keep trying to walk away

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Biscuits from Grace (Otherwise Untitled)

#74 of short stories a jackalope and fox calmly work towards finishing breakfast while on a road trip.

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Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I

The eevee, mudkip, and mew immediately get up and move alongside the jackalope at the disturbance. the jackalope still holds you and gets up and tosses your appendage that stirred it aside. "are you a dream? did i do it again?

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Train Exchange (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the jackalope was into her second beverage when the buyer arrived to the smuggler's table.

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Stolen Ribbons (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the jackalope, "well, i'm going to eat corn. i assume you'll figure out that soup."

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Questions of the Night (Otherwise Untitled)

You've got it on the lot, and nothing else in my size.", the jackalope motioning down to her somewhat more diminutive frame, "i just need a car."

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Mail Drop Temple (Otherwise Untitled)

#155 of short stories detective clip, jackalope of the law, tries to figure out where contraband is being shipped to.

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Well Planned Theft (Otherwise Untitled)

#184 of short stories linda, jackalope with plans, steals a piece of magic.

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