1. Academy Herald
You act like you just robbed someone or insulted the tarkel lord. now pull yourself together." "why? what's happening?" "i can't tell you, aside from whatever plans you made for the summer, forget them. now go and change.
Be so very careful what you demmand.
The biggest of them approached and insulted summer. and just standing there, summer bore all their insults, letting them slide off. he knew what truth was. finally, the biggest guy, stood in front of summer, and demanded he submit.
Uskara Tales I
A final insult to their capture. he could practically hear the harsh insults and threats that the bandits were thinking in his direction. he could allow them to speak if he wished, but why listen to crooks shout out those insults and threats?
My Brother Sky
Whenever he insulted someone who was good at something they couldn't insult him because he was better than them at it. he knew 4 languages and could speak them fluently to get what he wanted.
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 40
He was looming up like a mountain, his laughter rumbling through the sky like blasts of thunder, and still the kianas were screaming and laughing, throwing vile insults at him as their heads banged together, swinging from the vine...
Gnoll Brigand: Prologue II
**ignore the insult, keep visiting to pass the time** **ignore the elf, depriving him of social company** **something else (specify.)** **2. would you like to ask him anything? if so, what?
Paraskepite- Chapter Twelve
His name was ned and he had a thick irish accent but his favorite pastime seemed to be insulting joseph. oddly enough he did it in such a clever way that joseph did not realize he was being insulted until later on.
From the desk of the General. Mission 6.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Idiot) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of a bunch of idiots Smartass Military tactical idiot Occasional best friend BP date Mission notes Re:...
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 41
He was looming up like a mountain, his laughter rumbling through the sky like blasts of thunder, and still the kianas were screaming and laughing, throwing vile insults at him as their heads banged together, swinging from the vine...
Respect Your Elders
Gave kept waiting for the blow to come as it was customary as a reply to an insult. sirblood just looked down as he patted gave on the head saying "not your fault you didn't know."
Everyone has their fucked up days...
The river always helped my relax after my mom's insults and abuses. i walked across 2nd ave, without looking to see if there were any oncoming cars.
The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 13: Sapphire river
Sparx continued insulting ranger who didn't have a clue what small dragonfly said to him. "anteeksi, mutten ymmärrä mitä sanot." ranger replied and figured out from sparx' tone he was using that he was being insulted from something.