DragonZ Chapter 16 --Act III--

You are being a coward and insubordinate! you are lucky i haven't sent in a request form for another sutible captain!" dam...never thought she had such anger. "fine...have your say then." i waved my hand at her.

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02 - Reporting In

"sergeant," river continued unabated, "that colt was downright insubordinate! why did you put up with him?" "for the same reason i put up with you," the squad leader explained.

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Ch. 9: Gifted Marksman

"to think that a couple months ago, i was on the verge of having your pelt hung out to dry with all your insubordination. i'm glad to see that you might just be worth all the trouble after all."

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Zombiology - Grizzly Bear

The king felt relief rather than anger at the insubordination. he finally had a face to the enemy; a tangible target he could overcome.

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The Radical Beginning: Part One

Despite chance normally being the more insubordinate of the pair, it was jake who piped up, angrily demanding an explanation. "why?" he cried. "we've got reno and his boys cold!" "yeah!" said chance.

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

She would begin sowing seeds of mistrust, propagating insubordination towards the two rulers in canterlot, culminating into a civil war.

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The Old Man

This time he looked up at me, his eyes dark and afraid, yet commanding and surly, as though he were a general and i only a private who had committed an act of insubordination. to him no doubt it would have felt like abandonment.

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D.E 1 Chapter 18: Revelations

"i will not tolerate your insubordination, titan!" she interrupted titan abruptly. "you all wanted me to take a decision, right? then i've taken it!

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Tina's Story Chapter 52 The Great DMV Walkout of 2009

Your service to the department is being terminated on the grounds of appropriation of government property and insubordination. you must leave immediatly." ray was in shock. he knew something was up, but he didn't expect anything like this.

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Kung Fu Panda: Closer

The faint smell of fried rice teased her nose, and provoked an insubordinate grumble her stomach. with a twitch of his ears, po spun into tigress's path with excitement. "hey, the inn of the divine lotus! we should totally spend the night."

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 2

"wu-456-987, please proceed along the corridor to the elevator car, failure to do so will be recorded on your record as insubordination." "is that all i am now - a number?!

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Aftermath - Mysteries

The soldiers felt betrayed and used by the bureaucrats who split them to the point where two of them committed a major act of insubordination and murder.

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