There were not many infected because of the racket the sniper on the billboard was making. most infected moved onward to his body for a free meal. the occasional infected person did stumble out of a corner on a street, or a closed back alley.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Thirteen
They've killed about a dozen infections already, which was a large number of the infected aliens that had boarded so other than the hacker infection slowing them down, the wolcott pack made it to the engine room relatively quickly.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nineteen
Oliver jumped back briefly, seeing the wide-eyed soldier struggle with the infection. instinctively, he swung his blade out at the infected soldier.
Left 4 dead: Introduction
The bomb exploded, decimating every infected that were around, making limbs fly everywhere. most of the infected had been turned into a thin red mist by the explosion though, and only very little splashed around.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty
_hyourasky casa_ had suffered a bit of damage internally too, due to the creeper infections that made it onboard but the ship wasn't infected itself. the damaged was limited to the entry points.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Eight
Large chunks of the ship near the infection looked to be missing, as if the base had ejected heavily infected areas in an attempt to contain the infection.
Inevitability pt 4
But it did nothing to stop the infected. it was carnage, at first, the infected being cut into pieces by the lasers as they marched into it, though we knew it would not last.
Left 4 dead: no mercy. Chapter 1: the appartments.
An infected just like the one that had attacked him earlier. the infected gave a loud scream and lunged, but the dragon didn't let himself get caught by surprise.
Dialog -- You Have Stayed Too Long.txt
Look at their history, despite the infection -- leaps of imagination, of intellect, of growth and discovery. the perverted uses of these discoveries is due to the infection and the infected.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 27
He was there when the admiral killed the velmarian hatchling after he was infected. the idea of him surviving, and being infected was disturbing enough but the thought of the infected hatchling speaking is a startling thought.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Nine
Biological ships that could fight on their own, and a biological parasite that they could infect themselves with that'd give them the strength to defeat the most powerful creeper forms, the perfected infections.
History (1)
But when i looked at the reports of the virus and who was infected i found a chain, everyone who was infected with this virus was classifiedas living with an "alternate lifestyle". i finaly put two and two together when i was infected two.