A sample scene

Though the surrounding jungle is a haven for various incarnations of fluttering anthropoda, antennae will sear long before fur coats catch fire. moths escape flame, but ordinary moths don't flutter in the kumungu. this creature had horns.

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Second Time Around

Poor ariarisha was five when the doctor had met her, in a previous incarnation of course, but one never forgets a face or the dreams of a little girl. ?no...it can?t be. you?re...you?re...? ?yes?? ?the doctor! there?

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The Hunter's Notes

_the hunter's notes_ _for my future incarnations._ _and the bravely curious._ fucking jackpot! or at least the start of one.

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Xavier And Kay- True love never shows it's face.

"my name" said darkness incarnate. " is xavier".....

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The Anthro Religion - (WIP)

Here there soul would wonder, there ethereal body slowly decaying as all they had been in each incarnation of there mortal lives evaporated into oblivion.

My true feelings

Together in the world, all the same, no matter what, the pain, we all feel it, the worst of all is the pain of losing someone dear to you, or the pain of the latest cut on your arm, losing the will to fight from your holding cell, the blackness incarnate

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Curse Claws Ch. 1 Fear Incarnate

Fear incarnate. hell. that was the only way to describe the scene in front of clay as he charged across the battlefield, bullets, dirt and body parts flying all around him.

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Love for Sale: Chapter 13

She was the incarnation of winter nights when snow was gentle but skies were blackest and never-ending. her red eyes promised succor or death from the cold, depending on her mood. the spot between her legs showed no hint of ever being male.

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The Tale of Krystal Flamefox

Instead of summoning a passive spirit, she summoned the closest thing to evil incarnate. the demon didn't take to kindly to being summoned and went on a rampage.

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Rayne: Info and Trivia

Din was chaos incarnate, with power that could match the combined might of the seven elements.


TCN interview: Adam Orr

I'm lust incarnate. who is your role model: i don't have time for role models. i'm too busy doing stuff, and guys. what is your favorite book: the general-ford mechanical principles of the electrical engine.

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Dawn - Chapter ~ 1

But in this world, it is happiness incarnate. love is the center of this world, and within every soul is the potential to love. beings, named '__chi', exist as a humanoid descendant to humans. they behold the ability see souls on the most intimate level.
