The Tale of Krystal Flamefox

Story by fatfoxcoon on SoFurry

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Krystal was one of the few kitsune born with most of her powers already there. Once she was old enough to understand how to use her powers she didn't waste time giving herself a new look with multi coloured tails and a new fur colour. As the years went by she continued using them to show off to others and to keep herself looking like she was tall and thin. The other kitsune had warned her to stop using her powers so selfishly but she just blew them off figuring she could do whatever she wanted since she had the power. One day she over-heard someone talking about how a powerful kitsune summoned a spirit and how cool it was. Of course this went straight to her head since she always had to be the most popular. So she went around and asked some of the others how one would summon a spirit. They told her lots of study and practice. That wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

She managed to find a book on summoning and skimmed through it figuring it couldn't be that hard and she would learn as she went. So she finally got the materials, some friends and they held a ceremony in the middle of the night hoping no one would find them and put a stop to their fun. They settled and Krystal told them what to do for the ceremony. Once things got started everything was going according to plan, she chanted the spell and shortly thereafter things went downhill. Instead of summoning a passive spirit, she summoned the closest thing to evil incarnate. The demon didn't take to kindly to being summoned and went on a rampage. Everyone fled the area, Krystal found a cave to hide in hoping it would all go away as she herd the screams of her friends die out 1 by one until all that was left was the roar of the demon. Scared and unsure of what to do for the 1st time in her life she just lay in the cave and cried herself to sleep. Fortunately an elder kitsune herd the noise and came to see what was going on, discovering the demon he quickly sealed it away.

The next morning Krystal awoke to others calling out for her. She was hoping last night was just a bad dream and crawled out of the cave. She called out to the search party, they took her back home to her parents who were happy to see her. She was instructed to wait here as she would have to go see the elders soon. Krystal asked if her friends were all right but no one said anything, that confirmed her worst fear, only she made it out alive. She ran up to her room crying. A few hours later she stood before the council of elders. They were not happy with her, because of her some innocents where killed. Normally the punishment for such a crime is death, but she was still young and it was not her intention to have things go this way.

They told her they were not without mercy, her punishment would be severe though. A guard brought out a little box and set it on a small table next to her. They told her she would be stripped of all her powers and be made mortal. She would also be banned from ever returning home again. Krystal just stood there with tears in her eyes. The guard opened the box and took out a metallic pink collar and put it around her neck. It snapped shut as she felt all her magic quickly dissipate. She also reverted to her normal height and weight. She looked herself over and was surprised to see her colour was still the same. What she couldn't see is that her once blue eyes now glowed red. Once the meeting was over she was allowed to say goodbye to her parents then left her home for the last time taking only her memories with her.

The End