Chapter 12 Quite Extraordinary

The hound returned at once. aina pressed the knife so hard, the hound whimpered. "need i remind you," she hissed, "who has the knife here?" "that can be easily rectified!" the hound moved fast. aina was faster.

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War Hound Chapter 4

Samantha nods and the hound follows her into her bedroom and the hound looks into the mirror. the hound or tyria has a look of shock on her face as she studies her new form. tyria couldn't believe what she saw in the mirror.

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WOT- Born in Shadows- Chapter Seven

His final scream haunted me and i wondered if i was going to become as crazy as the hound is. then i thought of the taint on saidin and i wondered if i would look and act like the hound.

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The Redeem: Chapter 8

Turning on my heel, i ran out the door and to the left, running to the hounds that were chasing me originally. i couldn't even think about what i was doing, i pushed my way through the hounds as best i could.

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Flee, Flee, Lynx in the Wood!

The hound was going to eat him?! "don't eat me, hound!" he begged shamelessly. "hound? i'm not a hound. can't you tell? ...well, maybe you can't in this light." not the hound? mael was too exhausted to think clearly.

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Where my heart leads me to

The brown hound walked where dester stood. his paws bathed bloody water. they gave their attention to a dead human body, lying in the water. they scented around the dead body one or two times, before the hound moved the corps on the other side.

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The Clockwork Falcon - part 1: the Guilty Gear Device

Jim asked, but the old hound was already hobbling toward the door that led to the outside, at the back of the workshop.

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 17

The ash hounds simply adopted them for their own uses.

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Realms of Fantasy Chapter 8: Prison Break

A brief light blue barrier covered my leg when the hound's fangs sank into it before the hound pulled back, ready to strike again.

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E-mails from the hound-master

Your former hound-master, -hector gonzales end

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Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 11

Ammon noticed a nearby ash hound, who was still sitting in front of his house. the fuzandr recognized the old hound.

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Chapter 32 Let's Get Married

Let's Get Married Chapter 32 After her meeting with Ti'uu, Aina's tribe seemed to prosper and thrive all the more. They asked her if they now had permission to begin digging burrows, and Aina kept the sorrow from her face as Ti'uu's words came back...

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