I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Six)

On impulse he worked the label off the can, feeling it important that he carry this depiction of peach genocide as a meaningful remembrance. it peeled off effortlessly once he'd clawed through glue connecting the two ends of the label.

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Dreams of my Reality (Connection Preface)

These illustrations depict a world with war, hunger, genocide, and greed. the only real difference is that we're together. after a while you grow tired of being teased by your own mind depicting the thing which you most desire.

Esilym lore: The Okkokem

Too many people are fearing that history will repeat itself and the chalakdoluv will commit another gorak'bo, or genocide on anyone who stands up against them. total war and threat of annihilation is waiting to happen at any moment.

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Chapter 13: Beyond the Speed

While he didn't change as much, seraphor's eyes were yellow, indicating that his so-called genocide mode was active. but something was different from him.

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Karter's Story chapter 1 (work in progress)

First was the demented and evil genocidal dark personality he adapted with growing up in the facility..


"…and now come Cats!" (prologue)

"most jurisdictions will protect refugees from slavery or genocide." i watched him wince as i bared my teeth in what he certainly wouldn't mistake for a smile. "we try to make sure of that.

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Many humans were also killed for trying to hide morphs or otherwise help them survive this genocide. this atrocity did not go unnoticed by the rest of the world.

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What are Candus pt. 2: Origins

She soon took fate into her own hands, devising a plan to preserve her species from genocide.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 19 -- Truth Revealed

"i don't think it was mere coincidence flare got pulled into your realm, or that vengeance made me follow that troll...i know now i was meant to meet you two and survive this genocide..." "genocide?"

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Death Site Chapter 1

July 10 2019: In the late afternoon I walked on the deck of the ship. Me and my three best friends had all been playing another game of volley ball down at what was once used as the parking lot. We had put several tents up and the place looked a...

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Prologue: Minraya

Nicholas say this phrase when asked about simply genocide the foxes "waste of bullets, let them suffer like their victims did" that was a mistake.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 85 - The point of our existence...

But when the genocide act came in effect, we stopped fighting for what we believed in... and we had to fight for our very existence instead.. nothing will ever justify the genocide that took place...

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