Chapter 13: Beyond the Speed
#14 of A Dragon's Final Song
The black dragon landed in the middle of Qeveriyt. It wasn't as big as most Western dragons, but its appearance was menacing, even if they were just his spiky body ornaments. It had horns that looked different from any dragons Seraphor knew, and its whole body, despite of being a little bit smaller than a Western dragon size, was clearly ready for fighting. The silver red usually underestimated a dragon with overblown ego and pride that was all dragon's downfall. Aside from him being a small dragon, he was ready to take all the attacks himself due to his status as a hybrid dragon, and the fact that he was the bringer of hope.
At that very moment, though, he couldn't be the bringer of hope, and his handicapped wings were really a problem. Despite of everything that he had been through inside the Shadow Dimension, he wasn't sure if this dragon would actually be an easy target.
"Hmmm?" The dragon eyed both Seraphor and Avila, both defiantly standing in front of him. "Oh, I see. So there are still dragons that wish to challenge me. I can sense the powers inside both of you, but then, everything is just like a snow. When the time comes, they will melt, altogether."
Seraphor tried to speak, but he realized he was scared, despite of knowing that the dragon was only standing there. Avila, on the other hand, was still calm and collected.
"Tell us the name of a dragon that dares to go into our domain, before we crush you," said Avila defiantly. The dragon realized that she wasn't kidding.
"I am Kaartas, the Snow Hunter. I am one of the four World Eaters that will destroy the world and begin the new kingdom of dragons."
"Well, what do you know? There's an extremist among us," said Bartoz with a sigh. "Just as if humans aren't enough problem..."
"We can't live without the help of human, and so are they," said Avila. "No race can live without the other."
"Nonsense!" Kaartas' voice was booming, and it caused a great impact to the dragons present. "Dragons are the superior race, and all must bow before the mighty! Dragons come in many sizes, but it doesn't matter! Humans and other races are slaves to our world, and no dragons will be able to take this status away and willingly bow their heads for the humans to be their rides."
Avila took a glance to Seraphor, trying to make him at least talk so she wouldn't look bad when she made some point wrong. The thing was, beside the fact that she was once a villain in Seraphor's youth, she was an angel of death, and so death doesn't bother her as much as being a friend. Yet, somehow, despite of knowing that braving death was her job, she wasn't ready to embrace it sooner or later.
Despite of her reservations, though, she was willing to take the risk.
"Then show me what you're made of if you think you can best the Western dragons!" exclaimed Avila. This somehow provoked both Kaartas and Seraphor. Each reacted differently, with Kaartas enthusiastic and Seraphor panicked. Avila, on the other hand, had an ace if Seraphor couldn't save her, or any other dragons near her.
She was glad that she could put her trust to the silver red dragon she loved, yet it was so unexpected. Even after she opened her eyes, she saw that Kaartas was surprised and Seraphor panting beside her.
"What the fuck did you do?! You're almost a frozen statue back there!"
"And what are you doing standing around like an idiot? It's time you save the day again. You and me, together."
Seraphor realized she was right. Kaartas was not like any enemies the silver red had fought, both in this world and Spyro's world. Yet again, despite of that, his encounters with shadow beings were enough to spook him out, and this helped training him controlling his leaking magical energy, which was crucial enough in creating a new set of skills he never thought would be possible.
He smiled to Avila and said, "Yeah...guess I wasn't ready yet. Now, Avila, negotiation's over, so let's do the violent way. You ready?"
"Do you?"
"C'mon, let's teach this bastard our way."
Avila and Seraphor then walked and faced Kaartas. Despite of not knowing how Kaartas fought, Seraphor could see that from the blizzard around him, he was just like him before that one year training in Shadow Realm; using up a big amount of magic into elemental abilities. The snowstorm, in particular, was very violent, even for a dragon to bear. The riders and other humans, on the other hands, weren't equipped for the sudden change of weather, so, as they were taught, they went to their dragons and shielded themselves to warm. Yet, as a quarter ice dragon himself, Seraphor knew the temperature was dropping rapidly.
"Let's see what you Western dragons are capable of," said Kaartas mockingly. Under the wind, Seraphor moved closer to Avila and whispered something to her. She nodded and flapped her wings, creating a strong gust of wind that caused a wind tunnel between her and Kaartas. This didn't surprise the Northern dragon much, though, and Avila knew why. Despite of being able to make an eye of the storm in the middle of a blizzard, she was struggling to maintain it.
Kaartas, on the other hand, was free enough to control some of the storm wind and threw it toward Avila. The black dragon concentrated enough and in a nick of time, she disappeared and reappeared at the same spot a split second after the storm went past her. This was the thing that surprised Kaartas.
"I see. You Westerners do have a unique draconic magic. You, in particular, seemed to be more than a nuisance. Even if your companion saved you, his courage has limits."
"Oh, you don't know what he's capable of," said Avila.
"So leaving you and standing behind your protection is what he's capable of? I actually took pity of him, being a dragon that cannot fly."
Avila didn't give Kaartas the time to get ready as she quickly used her teleportation abilities to move closer to Kaartas. She then used her dark claws to try and slash Kaartas, but then, the dragon stopped her by grabbing her body. Due to her build being lighter than him, she couldn't break free, and Kaartas managed to bite her, drawing blood into his mouth and causing Avila to roar.
"Dragons should only have ice and fire, not darkness, as an ally. You're corrupted by the evil of this world, and you will have to die."
"Oh, don't act like a die-hard religious acolyte! I'm through with that! Hearing that from a dragon make me sick. Fire and ice, you say? Do you know how many dragons in this world with more elements than those two?"
"Yes, my 'comrades' have darker magic that shouldn't be used by a dragon, but I believe of a world where dragons should be fire and ice. When I am rid of the world of impurity I will make a new world of dragons!"
"You disgust me, Kaartas. Sera, any time now!"
Just as Avila said that, she was being thrown away from the dragon. After she landed, though, she realized that the dragon was thrown away, creating a rift in his snowstorm and causing it to fail. The Argoon dragon was similarly surprised as the rest of the dragons there, and then they saw Seraphor.
While he didn't change as much, Seraphor's eyes were yellow, indicating that his so-called Genocide Mode was active. But something was different from him. He was covered in electric spark and was somewhat in agony, struggling to even breathe. Yet, despite of the apparent backlash, Seraphor could still give a menacing look to Kaartas, which making even the Northern dragon flinched. The dragon tried to restart his winter storm, but before he could do that, something attacked him, which threw him some feet off the ground. The onlookers and Avila couldn't believe what they saw, but the black dragon was the first to know that Seraphor was the one attacking Kaartas relentlessly.
Kaartas, on the other hand, managed to use another winter storm that threw Seraphor away, but he didn't stop there.
"So you really have a death wish after all, silver red dragon," said Kaartas while shaping some ice spikes on the sky. "I should've known you're an electric dragon, instead of a fire one."
Kaartas then threw the ice spikes towards Seraphor. In his vision, due to his newfound ability, he could see the spikes were so slow, even to a stop. In that point of time, the silver red ran up towards Kaartas by stepping lightly on the somehow stopped ice spikes, using each spikes as stepping stones. Just after he reached Kaartas, he activated his fire, fashioning it as wings, then made a corkscrew towards Kaartas.
As the onlookers on the ground saw, Kaartas' head fell on the desert floor, decapitated by something. This shocked some dragons and riders, but they were even more surprised when the main body of the dragon fell after some seconds. Avila looked up and was both surprised and astonished.
Backed by the sun, was Seraphor, hovering over them with his outstretched fire wings. Avila may be seeing things in negative light, but despite of seeing the sun as a big eclipse, she could still clearly see the dragon himself and the fire wings he had landing beside her and Kaartas' body before the wings dissipated into its bony appendages again.
The town was struck in silence over what happened, before a human rider shouted "Whoo!" then followed by a big cheer by the whole onlookers. Avila then moved to her mate and said, "You are always full of surprises, my dear husband."
"Yeah, that one year in the Shadow Dimension really paid me off," said Seraphor slumping weakly to the side. "Damn, I really need more training in the main dimension."
"But, how did you...?"
"That? I embraced the Speed Force." He chuckled. "Just kidding, Vila. There's no such thing as a Speed Force. I called it Accel Run."
"Accel Run?"
"Instead of focusing the electric energy on either my wings or my claws, I surged them through my whole body. That way, the whole electric energy wouldn't be wasted and I have full control of my whole body, enabling a higher sense. I understand that to achieve this, I must activate Genocide Mode."
"But you're clearly struggling to...oh."
"Guess I won't give a lengthy explanation, huh? My organs are not accustomed yet to the electric surge and I am trying not to use up too much electric surge or I'll get a cardiac arrest. The electricity was enough to get my adrenaline pumping in an extreme that I could perceive everything in a slowed motion, as if slowing and stopping time."
"Then how about the fire wings?"
"That? Oh, I also realized that I can utilize my hybrid powers better. Back in the Shadow Dimension, controlling it was easier because Shyplis is controlling how much elemental magic I can take before I collapse. Now, though, I am in my prime, so of course I can utilize it and make temporary wings. Electric wings are cool, but laser-sharp wings are better."
"Let's keep your nerdy life in check, okay? Right now, you need to see Bartoz if any of your organs are not liquefied by the electricity."
"C'mon, Vila, I hope you're joking."
"Half joking half serious."
The day ended with some dragons clearing Kaartas' body and burned it at the outskirt of the city. The Order then had an urgent meeting about the new threat that came out of blue. Some even considered it a new threat from the Dragonsbane, but some were skeptical if they were supporting the same faction.
After a long day of talking and taking decisions, they were indecisive and chose not to differ from their attention to a new threat, making Kaartas' threat being one of with the Dragonsbane and finally decided to say that the Northern dragons had allied themselves with the anti-dragon faction. This wasn't accepted by the veteran Order members due to the fact that Kaartas had shown them what he was capable of.
Little did they know that it was far more than a faction feud, as their survival was again rested upon the Order veterans.