The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache
All was well and as humanity recovered we discovered many things together including the ftl hyper-shunt. now we had access to the resources of a thousand worlds. 400 or so years ago (no one knows the exact time) things started to go downhill again.
Last Chance - Pacem
Eventually, pacem's atmosphere was boiled away by the nuclear firestorm on it's surface, and, out of hollard's line of sight, a single tiny freighter activated it's ftl drive, it's destination, earth.
Xenosapien Short Story
As the limbs grappled and grabbed at the sole of his foot, tickling the whole way down, before settling into the tight space at the back of the shoe, as justin himself watched the stars outside grow into lines, as they took off from the thing's world at ftl
"ftl signatures," mitch called out. "i don't even think they've plotted a destination, they're just running." "_good_." the akita steadied herself, waiting for the last pirates to vanish.
Maiya Station Disaster: Part 1 – Message in a bottle
"i grew up on a spaceship, but i'm not sure if i can ever get use to the way this ship's ftl system works." "tell me about it, trip." rayne sighed out. "the feel of the ship is so different compared to the older ones.
Aurora Cross character sheet
Computers had in the event of loss of crew, keeping aurora in stasis. 2996- salavagers discover the talos in orbit around minitry xk-pluto iv/2 (the second planet in the ministry system) scans revealing no life signs they prepped the talos for a tethered ftl
ST: TDF Chapter 1
Without another word, and with a two-finger salute, she moved to the back of the bridge and sat down in a single chair, then buckled herself in and prepared for the ftl jump.
The Last Second
As he ticked away at the lightly glowing keypad, the display scrolling through the numbers for the intergalactic ftl drive he was designing to make sure everything was correct(such things were actually no longer necessary, with the advances, some of
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 15
They both stayed in silence during and after the ftl, where capisa quickly requested permission to dock.
Here to the crest is about 100 hours after ftl, right?" "yeah, something like that. your ship might be a bit faster, but i'm no mechanic. by the way, we have a place set up for you in merida.
Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 7
The suddenness of going from ftl to subluminal speeds in an instant shocked the onboard computers and the sensors always needed a second or two to catch up with what was happening.
FireFall AU: Thorn's Descent
He pushed for the creation of the arclights ftl drive and my people volunteered to be living test subjects, for we were created to be hearty and test out potential planets before risking humans, how was braving the void any different?