Track and Field: Part 11 - Lee
He may have been the star on the football field, but on this field - of sweat and blood and tears, of steel and sparks and years of agonizing training - _i_ was king. it was the one thing that always allowed me a little superiority to my friend.
Track and Field: Part 8 - Red
#8 of track and field oh, look, another update! yay! for some reason this one felt short, but i thought it was about time for red's point of view. looks like he isn't the type to loose his head after all, you guys.
Embracing the Field (Part 2 of 3)
#2 of embracing the field finally, a continuation. i know i said it would be 2 parts - in reality, there will be 3. i'm so good at math. --- a tremendous change in flux brought the research team's attention to the center of the room.
Embracing the Field (Part 1 of 2)
He had made a lot of mistakes as a kid, messing around in open fields, almost getting himself and ajit killed more than a few times.
Operation Field Trip: Part 2
But hey this wasn't a language arts field trip anyway. 'stay in grass. predators.' sophia's eyes widened at that. she clearly hadn't considered how vulnerable she was being this small.
Operation Field Trip: Part 1
The next day operation field trip began. every fall the second graders were taken to the local national park. it was a pretty basic field trip.
Track and Field: Part 20 - Almost Lover
#20 of track and field hey, guys! looks like i'm back...kind of. -___- no, i didn't die. work and school have been- needless to say - keeping me quite busy.
Daisy and Boss: 4 - Casa de Fields
Lol_ _-lilly_ _ _ **daisy and boss: 4 - casa de fields** the house was set in among a stand of lovely maple and aspen trees and some battered looking azaleas.
Track and Field: Part 24 - Fix You
#24 of track and field well, the happy-fest never seems to last, huh? this chapter, we get a bit of background on arthur and lee's parents. what's driven arthur to take lee under his wing so lovingly?
Track and Field: Part 23 - I Will Wait
#23 of track and field holy schmowzow! welcome back to track and field, guys! it's been, what...4 bloody months!?!?!? dang. well, we're back with another chapter (if you haven't forgotten what happened in the last one, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh).
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 26: Yellow Fields
fields upon fields of wheat dominated the land with the lovely town looking like a small dot in a painting. the ring road in the distance seemed like a big divide running across the yellowish fields. it was warmer here than in barrowisle, too.
Furries university Chapter 21: Field of sorrows
#27 of furries university chapter 21: field of sorrows (september 36th 2019 a.d. - monday 3:30 pm) kitsune stared at the note, his sight wavering as tears rolled down his cheeks as orbs, exploding into droplets as they hit the wooden table.