Um... Unamed story Teaser chapter 1 :3

"good, your first assignment is to calm down a farmer on the hill range."

South-eastern Corth'nar

A few guests beside her is present, a couple of big wolves sitting in a corner, a sleezy looking weasel eyed her when she entered and some smaller, though still rather large, wolves sitting in the middle, looking like farmers, she thinks for herself.

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The Tale of Teàrlach Part 7 SFW

The kitchen maids told the farmers. the farmers told their families and the smiths. by the end of the week not only did all the abbey know about it but all the farmers and townsfolk within a fifteen mile radius.

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 4

Being a farmer was in his blood, and he couldn't live without such a simple yet fulfilling existence.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #002 - Lina

It's mostly the farmers. according to the history books, ankarok used to have just as many rammu as the other villages, but over time as the farmlands grew and the farmers created their own coalition to handle their unique needs.

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Poem #41: The Wall

A farmer's open field to be seen: colored like that of an aged book, not yet eaten by its own age. ~bhscorch [!

Rowan Fafnir: Prologue

_"...boss' orders say burn th' barns, thirteen," a fox was saying to the red panda, "th' farmer didn' pay up. so, he's payin' with 'is prop'ty," the fox finished, holding up his torch.

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First Family

But for all the poverty that this family of subsistence farmers had put up with, we were not poor in the things in life that really mattered.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 2 of 13)

The farmer wouldn't appreciate the burned trail if el called a flame to him, so he took out the flint and his knife.

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Mirthless Sunshine: Prologue

So, because there was no work to be done for the farmers, they sang and danced all day and night. and because the farmers were happy and had plenty to eat, the knights did not have to keep order, so instead they created music and wonderful paintings.

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Flowers For Serath #3

It was filled with anxiety and worry as he toiled tending a farmers field who was ill. he was passing through a small village a week ago and saw a sweat drenched otter collapse in his field under the hot summer sun.

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