TLoS: Darkness Falls Prologue
The legend of spyro (and company) darkness falls prologue: crash course drake grimaced from his perch on the dusty sandstone cliff overlooking the dunes and valleys of the desert below him. he sighed.
Spyro Fanfic Intro
As a little background, I had a Spyro fanfic on my last dA account, which has been deleted. It ran somewhere in between the world of the original three Spyro games and the newer reboot (not this Skylanders nonsense). So, I'll be doing that again....
God Siege Chapter 1: The Fall of Soarsky Temple
falling back down again, gale fell shoulder first onto the dirt, tumbling down the mountainside. she tried to stop herself but the mountain was very steep and blowing in the wrong direction might make her fall harder and faster.
Sisu Lays and Egg - Chapter 5
The peace meeting was over, but Jagan couldn't get over his frustration with Pengu for making him support Raya in preparing for the Meeting while Pengu got to mingle with the crowd. "It's your job to be all diplomatic and all that," Jagan fumed, "So...
Before A Fall
His biggest clue that she'd noticed him in spite of his precautions was when she kicked the tree up which he was hiding trying to make him fall down from it.
Shadow Falling
Blood poured freely from his side. He had dropped his short sword a while back, using a paw to cover the grave wound. He stumbled on in the dark, the moon full as full and bright as a morning sun. Twigs and rocks threaten to trip him repeatedly, trying...
Falling Stars
falling. falling. to the earth they fall. in the night sky. they dance as one, they fall as one. for all to see the price, of their last great folly.
The Beginning of Fall
The leaves on all the trees were starting to dry out and fall making it a beautiful fall evening. he smiled. it was a day like this exactly six years ago that he asked karen to marry him. they were wed the next summer.
Elation and the Fall
While he lies curled on his bed in a ball i'll head back to my computer and try to comfort him try to remind him, to remind me, that somehow life is more than just a gasp of elation, followed by a devastating fall.
Falling to Pieces
We both fall to pieces."
The Falling of an Angel
.\> i was in a serious mood, so i was able to come up with this lil thing . c: ever witnesed the falling of and angel?_** **_.........................._** **_the falling of an angel_** waking lights bounce around in my head, blinding me for enternity.
...Falls Apart
(followup to Everything That Comes Together...) It was barely past dawn, as Allie scurried through the streets of Verss, glancing huntedly everywhere, making for the Cathouse with total urgency. Reaching it, she burst through the door, yelping...