Red VS Green! Storm Forth, Red-Eyes Black Dragon!

"no red-eyes fusion monster is actually a red-eyes monster, which is why **red-eyes fusion** has an added effect to change the fusion summoned monster's name to red-eyes b.

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Blue-eyed, he believed they would.

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Tired Eyes

Nightmarish dreams come with sleep until again the sun will rise and open once more, so tired eyes


Eyes of the Eagle

eyes as bright as the sun capture all that goes on beneath. great winds and pounding storms are but child's play for the mighty feathered wings. all others bow beneath the shadow of their king.

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Crossed Eyes

3) my eyes are getting crossed. italian saying for when you are so tired that the eyes are doing tricks :3 4) very small town near rome, on the seaside.

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The Eye of the Storm

I'm grumbling when I get off the bus. I hate bus trips. I hate trips in general. Especially if it means visiting the nutjobs that are my parents... I know, at almost twenty-six I shouldn't be bothering so much with them, but pursuing a doctorate tends...

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Eyes Open

We must always keep our eyes open and to listen to the cues that come our way. because if we miss them, we will never get our chance again. and then, we close our eyes for good.


Diamond Eyes

He looked at aurelia, his eyes alive. aurelia blinked sleep from her eyes, and stretched her back, her tail stretching out straight behind her as she rose to her knees on the bed. "have we?"

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Soapy Eyes

She attempted to open an eye and look at herself in the mirror.

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The Eye of the Storm

I barely had time to blink when, before my very eyes, the fish were gone. isthia was no longer visible, even if my eyes hadn't left hers.

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Eye of Excitement

The big brown rhinoceros, with black hair and a short stubble, was on his evening walk as usual, looking around the busy streets with his single grey eye, in search of something new and interesting.

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"Heroin Eyes"

I'm standing by, watching your world through heroin eyes... watching you world through heroin eyes...

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