Opposites Attract - Chapter 1

"well, i promise you i won't try to get you in bed with expensive jewelry, because i don't have any. i'll try to get you in bed by wooing you with cheesy lines i found in a book at the grocery." he joked with a smirk on his face.

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Separate Ways 3.1

They'd been a loose-knit study group the previous semester, and had gotten along well enough to consider rooming together, except that housing near the college was prohibitively expensive.

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Rust Belt Tails III: Trial Under Fire

But after months of living at his mother maria's expense for food and lodging, he needed to reutrn a portion of his living expenses to maria and that meant, of course, finding a job.

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The Last Agent of the Old World: New Arrowhead

The blander wool clothes that the people in the poor part of town wore were replaced by more expensive silk and finer linen. i grimaced at the huge gap in social equity, but kept on walking through town.

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Arc 1 - Part 5 - Heist by Night

The spells had been expensive but had been attuned to the key-hole and combination tumblers, designed to go to sleep if the vault was unlocked.

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That too is getting quite expensive, but they say that it will be well worth the cost. * * * from: universal monitoring to: multiversal head subject: re: re: rogue agent are they crazy?!?!

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Third Creepypasta Attempt: Training Dummies

But they were not expensive, they were being sold cheap due to there being a manufacturing defect that kept the legs from bending proper at the knees.


The Old Violin

And then an otter raised his card for "$2,500" and more expensive offers were being made. by the time that gavel sounded, that violin ended up going for tens of thousands of dollars, easily the most expensive item the chamberlins sold.

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Heavy Metal Poisoning

He turns his eyes to the expensive glass between his claws and licks his lips, a thin tongue taking one swift swipe over those lanky lips.

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Tainted Flare: Chapter 1

Don't wear an expensive dress when you go into a place where the people can get warrants to go through your things. some don't even get warrants and just take "evidence" illegally.

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Savannah Blues part 11

The bar next to them had a moving track and the hyena grabbed a fish of the black plated dishes, the most expensive, and opened them up before changing his mind and getting two blue ones and a green. "you're killing me smalls."

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The Cat's Stroll 29

But the most convenient, and also the most rare and expensive, had to be the extra space ring.

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