A soft machine

errors. expected. diagnostics. functional. makes sense. i am here after all. arm failed testing. can work with that. memory integrity, fine. it's been worse. much worse. battries charged. plugged myself in. that's why i slept.

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Navax of Moonlight

**_executing coy loser-r program._** **_attempting recovery._** **_logic error._** **_loop._** **_attempting recovery._** **_logic error._** **_loop._** **_attempting recovery._** **_logic error._** **_loop._** **_attempting recovery._** **_logic

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Pokémon: Phazon Purple, Patch Notes

Chapter one - version 1.1 (based on critique by: xials92) - - minor spelling errors fixed. - improved lucia's speaking parts and clarified final scene interactions. - version 2.0 - - minor direction errors fixed (north, south, east, west, etc.



By now, daniel had lost count of how many errors he had fixed but even after all his work the screen still showed the red cell calling out an error.

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Best Man's Coat (Otherwise Untitled)

#103 of short stories a gryphon struggles to maintain an error. the gryphon's immodest thoughts about the best man cried out to stall from pulling his fiancee into his life's longest running error.

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Vault 170 - The Wolf Vault

_green =working normally, yellow=minor error, orange= major error, red=critical error._ "oh shit." tom said staring at the lights "ricky!", after a second ricky replied from the other room "yeah?"

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Equestria Connection 1.0

Raritysromeo changed nickname to spike error: spike already in use by another user. please try again rainboommaker: lol this is gonna get good! xd faithfulstudent has been idle for 30 minutes fashiondiva: spike?

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Mission to Live

Vision unclouded, single objective, a "life goal" roads are made, maps drawn. not one error. errors perceived as steps, to reach the final floor to reach the level of achievement-to be remembered.

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Un Defecto Fatal

Muchos errores fatales a considerar, no temas, un ser humano siempre serás. como ocultar tan deplorables fracasos, no los conviertas en falsos aciertos.



If you are bothered by literary errors avoid the "draft" chapters until they are updated and the draft designation removed.


Lurker's Siren Song

The monster of error forest: lord candycane. a name that would make even the bravest of sprites gasp. a face appeared in the shadows with cyan irises that only had hunger in them, purple markings.

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Event Horizon

An error message had appeared in the middle. component failure? icy cold dripped down her spine, followed by heat warming her face. dammit! yes, she'd been using this unit fairly heavily, but surely nothing to cause heavy damage.

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