Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...

I guess that's what diplomacy is all about... sell out that one guy to save the skin of many others... but maybe i just didn't want to know what really happened to them... so i guess some questions are just meant not to be answered...

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Keeps and Kobolds

Bard," kickaha held his hands behind his back as he smiled down at his younger friend, "perhaps you should go ahead and put that +15 bonus to diplomacy to work and gather information about what's going on." "on it!"

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DnD sheet

| | (cc)climb¤ | str | 1 | = | 1 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | concentration¤§ | con | 5 | = | 1 | + | 4 | + | 0 | | | craft¤§ | int | 0 | = | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | (cc)decipher script§ | int | 0 | = | 0 | + | 0 | + | 0 | | | diplomacy


The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache

We lived as peaceful neighbors until a few years ago diplomacy failed as both parties clamed rights to a newly discovered planet.

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Geography part 1

+20, gather information +20, sense motive +20, ride +15, knowledge (royalty and nobility) +18 feats: iron will, leadership, weapon focus (dagger), skill focus (sense motive), skill focus (diplomacy), skill focus (gather information) climate/terrain: thran


Aurora Sitka Ideas

Emergency advanced schooling and university service to her pack hobbies, jobs, etc aurora in diplomacy at the academy i'd been in cramped tunnels before, but the environment suit was worse. it cut off all sense of smell from outside.

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"we are here to discuss a new way to taking care of these rebels, since the alliance's version of diplomacy seems to have failed by all accounts."

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10

When diplomacy had completely and utterly failed the wolf seemingly retreated solely into the affairs of alpine glade, thus drawing more ire from bellwether.

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Diplomacy on the Casino Floor (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Whenever Detective Clip found herself traveling to a location that was a proper touristing destination, it was always her preference to travel lightly. For this particular occasion, she'd managed to keep to a moderate backpack and an arrival during...

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The Banished Wars - Volume One

When the reptilians discovered the success of the lutrachans reaching canidera, and establishing diplomacy with the natives on that planet, they were furious.


Lore: Lupiad-Sirian Empire

Sirians are often drawn to the worlds of diplomacy and economics, having an intense business culture that emphasizes good relations and honest deals with fellow businessmen.

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Chinchilla Attack

"couldn't we try diplomacy first?" blacktail's breath caught in his throat. "that is the dumbest thing you have ever said. enough questions. let's get on with it." he ushered them into the shuttle.

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