Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss
corporation reserves the right to make changes to the content at any time without notice to meet the growing demands.
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Conclusion
When the high bishop went in and brought the corporal here out of the crypt, the corporal was raving and speaking in tongues. wasn't in the report, of course -- how could it be?"
Hot Shot
corporal sharp watched a fourth enemy carefully move into sight from where he had been hidden by a tree trunk.
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 5 Secrets Revealed
"my father took his entire regiment to destroy 'the corporation' and get my mother back. there was a massive battle; nearly the entire compound belonging to 'the corporation' was destroyed.
"The Thin Line," Part BB
"i tell you, sir, there's no corporal. oh, wait, you say you're corporal winterbough? well damn it, man, why don't you report to lieutenant kedgeay?"
Children of Steel
corporate action was euphemism for a military action, this may not be a military ship, but it probably carried as much armament as one. the corporations played for keeps. "i want you to see the quartermaster and get outfitted.
WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG
Not to mention the potential compromise of the entire corporation with the imperial communications control agency.
"The Thin Line, Part WW (and conclusion)
"quite all right, corporal. it will allow you, as one of my guests."
Caught in the Hunt
The guard said, "my lord, this is corporal operima from the kingdom of grenig, here to see you."
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part G
"carry on, corporal."
"fire at will corporal." "aye sir." the corporal responded, twisting the switch that would activate the system. "warning, defence grid active. firing sequence initiated."
COMM - Just Lion Around - Commission for Jensen - Prologue -
"that corporation genetically cloned animals from a multitude of species. they were, through methods i do not understand, granted sentience and intelligence equivalent to a human.