Caught in the Hunt

Story by Tarrock on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon's Rising

© Tarrock-cdpc0 Really enjoyed writing this chapter, and impressed on how it turned out

  • * * The sun had all ready set when the soldiers from Grenig arrived at the castle walls of Heldaron. Two guards was standing watch outside the gate, and Corporal Operima could tell that they were going to be taking the night shift. The cart pulled up the guards, where the guards stopped them. The guard on the right was a big man, and from the scars on his face, Operima could tell he had been in a fight or two with weapons. While the guard on the left with a skinny man, obviously a rookie. The bigger guard saw the dead soldier on the cart and asked, "What the hell is this?" Operima laid his bow on the driver's seat and responded, "I'm Corporal Operima, and we were here to deliver a chest to your king." The guard laughed and asked, "Ya? Where the hells the chest? You mean that dead guys chest?" Operima snapped and yell, "THAT FUCKEN DRAGON STOLE THE CHEST, WHY THE HELL ISN'T ANYTHING BEING DONE ABOUT THE FUCKER?" The other soldiers quickly grabbed Operima, afraid he was going to strike the guard, and start a war. The guard went over and whispered something to the skinny guard. He laughed and went and knocked on the gate. Another guard on top of the wall yelled down, "What do ya want?" The skinny guard yelled back, "Let me in." The gate opened just barely enough for the guard to slip in, and the gate was closed back up. After ten minutes the gate opened widely this time and the guard came out and said, "You've been granted passage inside," he pointed at Corporal Operima and continued, "You are to go to the keep and speak to Lord Richard." Operima got back on the cart and had the horses move it inside. When they got inside, a guard on a horse came over to the cart, pointed at Operima, and said, "You are to come with me. The city guards brought another horse over, which Operima mounted, and followed the other guard to the castle. Operima was escorted to the throne room, where Lord Richard and his queen were seated in their thrones. The guard that had escorted bowed before the king, and Operima did the same. The guard said, "My Lord, this is Corporal Operima from the Kingdom of Grenig, here to see you." The guard bowed one last time before walking out of the throne room, and Corporal Operima began explaining what happened "Lord Richard, I was sent here to bring you a chest full of gold. On our way here we were attacked by the Terror of Gwenson, and the chest was stolen. One of the men was slain in the fight, and many of us almost suffered the same fate, so I accept full responsibility for what happened," Operima got down on his knees and bowed, hoping that he wouldn't be executed, even though there was a small chance he would be when he got back to Grenig. The king motioned for him to rise, and said, "Rise. This isn't the first time this has happened. This has happened ten times this month, not counting the many merchants that have been attacked. You shall be forgiven if you and your men join in on the hunt tomorrow." Corporal Operima asked, "If I may ask, what hunt?" The king chuckled and responded, "That dragon has a 50,000 gold bounty on his head. 60,000 if his body is in good condition to mount. I've hired a group of wizards called The Triad of the Sacred Flame for 70,000 gold, who are going to trap it and bring it in alive. We were going to hire The Dragon Bane, but we felt his fee of 250,000 gold was too much for this small problem." Operima had never heard of The Triad of the Sacred Flame, but he had heard of The Dragon Bane. The Dragon Bane was rumored to have been cursed by dragons long ago, although he was granted immortality in the process. Stories say he's killed 1,000 maybe even 10,000 dragons. Operima nodded and said, "We would be honored to join in on the hunt." The king stood up and said, "Wonderful, then perhaps tomorrow we shall have a live dragon on display in town. You and your men shall be housed in the barracks tonight." Operima bowed one last time and said, "Thank you, sire." Then, Operima followed the guards out of the throne room. That night, Taronig dreamt of flying through the clouds. He flew through the clouds often, but this felt different somehow. He was flying, yet he wasn't using his wings, and the wind against his scales was warmer than usual. Where was he at? Was this really happening? He started feeling extremely dizzy; suddenly he started falling like a rock into a pit of darkness. He tried to use it wings, but soon realized he didn't have wings anymore! Taronig struggled and struggled, and then woke up. His eyes shot open, he jumped up, and breathed heavy. His whole body was covered in a cold sweat from the intensity of the nightmare. He looked around and saw that Alrina wasn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe she had gone back to her cave. Taronig laid back down and tried to calm himself down. He had never had a dream anything like that. He laid his head back down and wondered if he should go back to sleep. That had been the first dream he had in his entire life that had felt so real. He laid there for a while trying to fall back asleep, but couldn't. His stomach was rumbling from hunger, he hadn't eaten anything for four days. He usually ate once every three days, but hadn't in the past few days due to lack of game in the area. He got up and went to the entrance of his layer to discover the sun was all ready rising. He enjoyed watching the sun rise, and he chose this spot to be his layer because of the great view of the sun. Taronig was too hungry to enjoy the sun rise, so he flew out to find some food. First, he landed by the lake to get a quick drink. As he drank the water he could smell a deer nearby. He quickly took flight and followed the scent. He flew for a few minutes following the scent as it got stronger and stronger. Finally, he arrived to the source, where he discovered a large buck. He hovered in the air, planning his next move. The buck was in a small clearing which he could fit in, but if the buck start running he wouldn't be able to chase it with all the trees, and he was too hungry to let this buck escape. He slowly flew down, trying to make as little sound or movement as possible. The buck lifted its head as it heard the sound of Taronig's wings flapping, and that's when Taronig struck. He quickly shot down and sank his teeth into the buck. The buck squirmed for a few seconds before finally dieing. Taronig let the dead body drop to the ground, where he began eating it. Corporal Operima and his men arrived at a small clearing where some of the wizards had set up a strange looking device. It had a large base about a foot tall, and wide enough to trap something big. It had a large sheet of what looked like gold inside of it, which took up most of the space. He had been told that there would be 150 wizards with 300 soldiers including him and his men, and 15 traps set up all around the forests. One of the wizards approached Operima, and said, "Ah, Corporal Operima, glad to see you've arrived, the traps are set, and you and your men will likely not be needed." This made Operima some what angry, which made him ask, "Why the hell are all these soldiers here than?" This wizard laughed, and said, "To make the king feel better, we have this totally under control." Operima started grinding his teeth, and decided to ask, "So, how does this thing work?" The wizard said, "Well you see, this dragon is attracted to gold, as all dragons are, so it goes for the gold and the...." A soldier came riding into the clearing yelling, "WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!" The wizard yelled back, "WHERE?" "TRAP B-4V2," he yelled as he rode over to other camps. The soldiers and wizards quickly mounted up and headed to the trap. When they arrived another wizard greeted them, and pointed them towards the cage. Inside of the cage was an extremely angry dragon slamming itself into the blue glowing bars, and roaring as loud as it possibly could. Captain Operima went up to the cage and yelled at everyone, "This isn't the right dragon, The Terror of Gwenson is blue, and this one is white and gold." Suddenly, the dragon inside shot flames at Captain Operima, which made him jump back in fear. The flames were stopped by barrier that appeared once the flames reached the bars. One of the wizards said, "Well we caught a dragon, not the dragon...." The head wizard said, "Let's take it back the castle and get paid." One of the soldiers, clearly a captain said, "We're paying you to capture 'The' dragon, not 'A' dragon." The two started arguing when suddenly the dragon stopped roaring, and started saying something, that could possibly be a language, but no one was able to understand it. Were dragons as smart as humans, or even smarter? Taronig was nearly done eating the buck, except the bones when he started hearing a dragon calling for help. He stopped eating, and said, "Looks like some dragons got them self in trouble, maybe I should...," he listened carefully, and realized that this wasn't some random dragon, "Alrina is in trouble!" He quickly took off and flew as fast as he could towards the roars. The roars stopped, but he knew where they were coming from, and he hoped Alrina was all right. He arrived to see Alrina trapped in a cage surrounded by at least 100 humans. Rage over took him, and he quickly dove down to kill each and every one of them. He caught them all by surprise and was quickly able to kill five of the humans. The humans yelled, "THERE IT IS." Taronig couldn't understand the human's language, except a few words. He clawed at any human in front of him, and grabbed one in his jaws, who he quickly bit in half. One of the wizards shot a large icicle at him, which pierced his wing. Taronig quickly charged him and crushed him under his paws. The other wizards were all firing spells at him, while the soldiers charged him. Alrina tried as hard as she could trying to break out of the cage, but wasn't able to. She didn't want Taronig to get himself killed while she helplessly watched. She clawed, rammed, and shot flames at the bars, but nothing was working. Taronig felt a sword cut his tail. He quickly swiped his tail, hitting many of the soldiers. After a few minutes half the humans were slain, and many had started to run away. Taronig ran up to the cage and told Alrina, "I'll get you out somehow." Alrina nodded, and Taronig began ramming the cage himself. A small group of soldiers and wizards arrived after just receiving news about the dragon being captured, and saw one dragon in the cage, and another outside it. Taronig tried to destroy the cage, but couldn't. Suddenly, a lightning bolt hit Taronig in the back, causing him great pain. He quickly turned around and shot flames across the landscape. He had never breathed that much fire before, and didn't know he could do that. Many of the humans were instantly incinerated by the flames. Taronig was able to get his claws inside the cage. He grabbed the bars and began pulling them apart, as Alrina slammed into it. Finally, the magical cage shattered into nothingness, and Taronig quickly said, "Hurry to my lair." They both flew off towards Taronig's lair. When they reached Taronig's lair, Alrina stumbled inside and quickly collapsed on the rug. Taronig didn't even make it back to the rug before collapsing. Alrina said, "I was so scared....I thought they were going to kill me...." "I.....thought they.....were...too," Taronig said breathing extremely heavily. Alrina began crying, and with the little energy Taronig had left, he got up and went and laid down next to Alrina. He said, "Don't worry....I'm here for you," and nuzzled his head against hers. They laid there for around twenty minutes trying to get their bearings. Then Alrina said, "Thank you for saving me Taronig." Taronig smiled, and said back, "It was no problem." Alrina looked over Taronig and noticed his wing had a small hole in his wing. "Your injured Taronig," She said looking at him a little worried and guilty. Taronig looked at the wounds, and said, "They'll heal." Alrina went over to a pile of cloth, grabbed a few items, and brought them over to Taronig. She wrapped up Taronig's tail, and bandaged up the hole in his wing so he wouldn't bleed, and it'd heal. When she was done she laid back down next to Taronig and asked, "Can I take a nap here in your lair?" Taronig was exhausted, and he knew Alrina had to be too, so he nodded to her. Alrina laid her head next to Taronig's. He smiled, and she smiled back. Then, he wrapped his left wing around Alrina. Alrina felt completely safe now, and soon they both fell asleep. Alrina woke up around midnight to see Taronig still asleep. She nudged him till he finally woke up. Alrina said, "Taronig, I'm sorry to wake you up, but I have a question to ask you." Taronig smiled and said, "It's no problem. What do you want?" Alrina licked Taronig and asked, "Taronig, will you be my mate?" Taronig licked her back and responded, "I'd love too."