Crimes Undone Part One

But-" "but, without proof or evidence, did he really commit a crime?" "but the journals," jackal two started to say.

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Santa's Reindeer Profiles

Donner: age 22 • older brother of rudolph • a bit of a player, commitment issues. • flirtatious • dominant mainly, but can diverge.

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PAE - Incest City Background

None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. the stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such.

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Finding Sanity. Chapter 1

That's what i felt when my brother had me committed to this asylum. happy acres is what it's called, but it's everything but "happy." here, they lock you in cages. they drug you til you can't move or scream.

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Venturing: Gonna Dough

An opportunity that i had decided to commit towards and did so as well while i decided to heed towards kyro and natty who were still in line.

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An goddess

I felt guilty, for daring to endanger her to her own kind, who would surely inflict punishment against her, for committing what could be considered one of the worst deeds a mortal could commit. and again my thoughts turned to myself.

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What Is There Left To Say?

Bueno it's another day where victims families mourn and weep all because another shooting that shouldn't have happened a pretty much definite hate crime committed by a white man against people in a community that is too often

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Requiem for Darkness Part 5 Non-Existent Absolution

"commit to shadows" as i uttered those words, his world of pure white turned dark black. "welcome to solitary" i said as i left him behind.

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Tropical - Chapter Thirteen

You know that if i don't follow through with this commitment i've made, they'll arrest me and i won't be able to see you for a much longer time." "what about your commitment to me?" "my loyalty lies with you more than anyone or anything else cloud.

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A Valued Memory

I remembered the institution, their were 40, and after 20 committed suicide, 16 snapped and were put into mental facilities, only me, rob and two others made it out of there.

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Prelude Chapter 1

I will be joining it out of my own free will, in hopes that i might redeem myself, for the crimes i committed. and the atrocities i nearly committed out of my blindness, brought on by grief and resentment.

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Cygnus X-1: Book One- The Voyage

He had already heard of several companies which solved the problem of graveyard overcrowding throughout the solar system by committing the deceased into the black hole of cygnus x-1, the closest to solaris (the sun.)

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