Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Chapter 10: Fire, Water, Wind, & Earth

The red cloak shifts as the mage hunter pulls something from it. a hand extends towards twinkaleni and a roundish bauble drops a few inches from it on a slender chain.

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Enigma Story Chapter 1

Said the cloaked wolf. "why, commander? we pratically have them on the ropes". "if that's true. then how come you can't get pass their heavy cannons?" the cloaked wolf asked angrily.

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"The Wanderer" - Chapter 2 - "The Chase"

He spied a castle, a small village at its entrance, and a cloaked figure approaching its gates. the cloak-wearer stopped for a moment and looked back, and at that point hax knew they recognised each other. "there you are." he growled.

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The Frozen Flame -III- The Marble District

The wolver leapt up onto a crumbled wall, right for the cloaked magister.

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Keeps and Kobolds II: Nanobolds

Let's get my cloak back." kickaha began running across the bannisters. "and the treasure! and my stuff too!" calex added. "sure, but mostly the cloak."

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Final Fantasy XI: A Mithra and Her Wyvern: Part I

Her hair and cloak being the only thing that could move at all at the winds will.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Two: The Prey

Balmyrra walked past the two with her arms full of cotton cloaks and stoppered, wooden vials. "have you grown the symbol of our lady, overnight?"

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Tail Underground contribution part 2

Everything suddenly became a blur, except for the cloak and for a moment reamius thought that it was even moving towards him.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 18 (Kinyar)

Their identity was completely hidden beneath the black, hooded travel cloak that they were wearing. i felt my eyes widen as the mysterious figure discarded their cloak in dramatic fashion, using their wings to propel the cloak from their person..

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Prolouge to Darkness

And struck the gang bangers. either they died or are dieing, they were all dragged into the figures open cloak, the sound of bone snapping together was heard.


changeing fast: chapter 2

"yes that's what i'm saying i'm also saying we should cloak the island from radar and destroy all traces of it in the country's databases."

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It's Called Mini Golf

From within the fold he pulled out a tinier version of his usual cloak and quickly hung it on his shoulders. it fit perfectly. "hey isn't that the cloak i made for you while you were stuck as a mouse?

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