Prolouge to Darkness

Story by The Big Bad Wolf on SoFurry

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-a cloaked figure walks down a street road, not even the street lights could brighten its dark aura. it crossed the path of some local gang members, they pursued this figure eager for fresh blood to mark their territory with. they followed it into an ally, the leader apporached it with threats and a gun. The gun began to evaporate, and an empty sleave rose from its side, pointing at the leader's face, a claw of razor fingers launched out and grabbed onto his head. The leader screamed and yelled, his followers raised their weapons and unloaded their first clip of ammo into the cloaked one, several hitting their leader. the leader got one glimpse at a firey white eye before his skull crushed in a mess of cracking and squishing. Blood spilled over the headless corpse from the claw. It retract into the sleave. The Followers reloaded their weapons and unloaded them into the figure. the leaves moved and opend the front of his cloak darkness was seen untill a loud and wet crack of bones spittling was heard, blood drenched chains shot out from the gaping abyss of darkness and struck the gang bangers. either they died or are dieing, they were all dragged into the figures open cloak, the sound of bone snapping together was heard. He walked out of the shadowy alley, blood following him in a single trickleing river, not leaveing a trace-

"In The Begging, God created earth, before he created Adam, he created a minor God. A being capable of creating the earth for God, a supreme being undeniably powerful and strong in judgement. Satan tainted the being, causeing the Minor God to rebel agaisnt heaven. Both forces of Heaven and Hell tried to stop this creature, but the only resort was to inprison him into the womb of heaven. an area of earth where stone turns to flesh, the exact place where all holy ones are ressurected. The creature Spoke to Jesus as they were entwined in the life giving tubes that ran through them. Jesus told the Creature that mankind is destined to destroy itself, even in the name of God. They have pursue their own ambitions. As jesus left for heaven, The creature grinned, as he would soon rise from the womb and destroy mankind before Mankind could. And this creature, not too long ago, rose from its tomb and walks among man"

More to come______________________________________________________