Big Bad Wolf vs. Bigger Badder Wolf
My characters, you cant have em! NEAH! -stamps copyright all over the place- If this offends you, then its your fault for reading this in the first place. Deep in the bowels of the earth the most evilest of evil is created. Long since our...
Prolouge to Darkness
-a cloaked figure walks down a street road, not even the street lights could brighten its dark aura. it crossed the path of some local gang members, they pursued this figure eager for fresh blood to mark their territory with. they followed it into an...
Act 1 scene 1
Prolouge: Theseus, A Wolf and Firm Dictator, has conqured the territory that opposites New Athens divideing line. His prize not only to expand his land, but his prize was the owner of that half of the city, The Leader of the Female's Territory Court....
Prolouge to Sexy Justice
"Well Mrs. Bethany" said the lab coated panther. "Who are these new specimens to the asylum?" The Panther and Tigress walk up to the first durable window sealed room. Inside, The walls are covered in rainbow and cloud wallpaper. There is a...
Freddy vs. Big Bad Wolf 2
The scene decends apon a dark moon lit street. there is a dark figure walking up the asphalt covered road, it stops, it is a person wearing a dark cloak. its foggy breath can be seen escapeing its hood as it tries to speak. "This is a tale of an...
A Child's Mind 1
You Turn on the TV, and the screen slowly comes to life. There on the channel you see is a News anchor woman of your local News station. She is a lovely Red Vixen in a black suit, a microphone clipped to her outer jacket. "Hello and good evening...
A Tale of Two Tails
This is another Bizarre fan fic that was cooked up in my deep dark mind. Please don?t get confused on meh -loads shotgun- just love me. Miles 'Tails' Powers was a young twin tailed fox boy in a world where Evil had the form of a dictator,...