Remembrance to a Mentor

Tears come to my eyes whenever i think deeply about my ohh so beloved dakota, that crazy little german sheppard, golden retriever, with a little hint of chow mixed all together.


Competition of Corpulence

The two competitors began their work instantaneously, grabbing whatever was in their immediate grasp and chowing down without a second thought.

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Zootopia Park 9/??

I don't fancy seeing you turned into dino chow." "aww." clawhauser let off a slight sniffle. "thanks, nick. that means a lot." "uh-huh. you really owe me one. now let's roll!"

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She's handed rice and they start chowing down. \*\*\* "wicked!" jasper says as him and mitch and amy & hector sink their golf balls and get the clue to the next task. zoe & patricia and maxwell & richard finish the hole next.

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"guess so, lets go see those rooms and the chow hall, those sandwiches didn't do much to curb my appetite," joked mike, smiling.


Don't Spoil a Pet!

The scaly pet wasted no time consuming the mushy, but apparently quite delicious chow even as it was poured, soon managing to eat from the bowl a bit faster than night could fill it!

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Into The Woods

He took another one and began chowing down on the chocolate. he felt so heavy now... so thick... but hungry still, even as he blimped to what he imagined was the size of the forest himself!

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A Year Later, Wounds Still Lie Open

Golden retriever, some german shepard, and finally a little bit of chow thrown in there. yes, he was a dog, but he was my first friend. through the years of which we grew, we became very close.

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Character Lore: Kaylah Carmine

I was sitting on the sidewalk with my friend kira trying to chow down on some shitty pork donald's burgers talking about trying to get some funds when i saw it.

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Focusing On Food

chowing down on the food, their belly is filled quickly before beginning to push out a little. although, by the last bite of orangey goodness, their stomach hasn't expanded far from its new normal.

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Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow (Chapter 4)

For comfort, which you keep pulling away from her grabby paws \>she hit you with a fucking boot, she obviously doesn't need your comfort \>if anything she's an annoyance, but one you'll put up with \>"come on snekderp, let's eat and get going" \>the chow

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Fat Fox Poem

Burgers, and twelve pounds of fries all of these things will go right to my thighs words cannot express, how hungry i feel my fat burger belly, now rubbing the wheel i might be greasy, blobby and growing more round but i am a happy, slobby, foxy chow-hound

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