Competition of Corpulence

Story by Loko_K_O on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Originally published: February 14, 2019

Two fat and competitive feedees try to out-eat each other, and their feeders don't really have any opposition to their desires. Took a lot longer than I had ever hoped, so I made it just a little longer than needed out of appology for my bad timing. But it's finally here, so yes I'm not dead.

"...and it looks like the rain will keep coming down for quite a while folks, so keep inside if possible." A large flatscreen TV was propped up at one end of a decently furnished living room, the weatherman talking away about the weather potential ahead.

At the other end of the room, sprawled out across a large and surprisingly sturdy sofa, were two large, very fat figures, an all-black feline and a white fox with pink tips. The two sat comfortably next to each other, though taking up all the space the couch could have offered, and were eating away at various snacks and junk food displayed on the coffee table before them.

"Aw man, looks like we'll be rained in for a while." Roxy, the white and pink fox, spoke up in disappointment.

"Who needs to go outside when there's food to be eaten inside?" Ally, the black cat, chuckled through a chubby mouthful of chips. She swallowed before speaking again. "Speaking of which... John!" She called out.

"Yyyyeeeeessss?" Another thinner, red fox named John, poked his way out from a room on the side before sauntering up to the black cat. "How are you two ladies doing in here? Having fun with your little buffett?" John approached Ally and ran one of his hands up her shoulder blade, or at least where it would have been under all the flabby folds, and to the back of her neck.

"Oh yea, it's really nice." She complimented in return. "I was just wondering when the cakes would be done."

"Haha, impatient much?" John leaned in and kissed Ally on her cheek. "They'll be done soon enough."

"Aww but how long is THAT?" She complained. "I'm getting really hungry."

"Oh, does my little princess need food in her tummy that badly?" John let go of Ally and moved onto her bloated stomach, lowering his body onto the flabby expanse. He pressed his muzzle against the spot right between her boobs and belly base, nuzzling it lightly. "You must be starving."

"J-john!" Ally blushed. "Stop that, you're embarrassing." While she did protest, her pushes against him were playful at best, secretly hoping for it to continue.

As Roxy was watching, she was suddenly startled by a thin hand running up her spine to her neck. "Heeyyy there hun."

"E-echo! Don't startle me like that!" Roxy shouted in response to a blue cat behind her.

"And where's the fun in that?" Echo responded, making her way to the front of Roxy and laying her head on her partner's stomach.

Roxy looked down to where Echo sat on her belly and then looked over to Ally and John. She kept looking back and forth slowly, noting the small differences in their sizes. "Echo, do you think I'm smaller than her?"

"I think you're perfect for me." Echo responded.

"Yea, but like... do you think I could be bigger?" Roxy asked again.

Echo perked her head up at this. "Of course! I'd love to see you grow."

"What if I could get bigger than Ally?" Roxy continued to ask, before Ally chimed in.

"What's this about being bigger than me now?" Ally spoke up, John barely lifting his head.

"Well, you know, I thought I might be able to get bigger than you if I put in the effort." Roxy boasted. "After all, I do have quite the appetite."

"Hah, and you think I don't have one as well?" She grabbed another bag of chips beside her and ripped it open, tipping it back into her mouth and, with one big bite, swallowed it whole. "How's that?"

"Oh, and you think I can't do that too?!" Roxy shouted back. "Echo, hand me those devil dogs!" Echo quickly complied, handing Roxy two double packs. She fumbled with the wrapper in her pudgy hands, but once she had both open, she slid each down her throat with ease, gulping all four of them down within a minute. "Beat that!"

"Oh, it's a challenge, is it?" Ally responded smugly.

John propped back up as he heard of the proposition. "Did somebody say eating challenge?"

Echo laughed at the display, also getting up. "It would appear so."

"Well," John left Ally as he walked over to Echo, "if you two are going to be in a competition, then we might as well be your servers."

"Whoever can eat the most wins." Echo continued. "And remember, you're both winners in our eyes."

"Oh cut it out and bring me some food already!" Roxy demanded. "I'm gonna prove to this showoff what it really means to eat!"

"You're on, tiny fluff!" Ally shot back.

"Looks like they're both heated." John spoke in observation. "May the best... blob win?"

Echo chuckled before nodding. "Certainly. Let's see how much we can stuff them both."

The two competitors began their work instantaneously, grabbing whatever was in their immediate grasp and chowing down without a second thought. It started with a bit of heat, then quickly picked up speed as the both of them realized their competition was also not one to go lightly. It was quite a display how they handled their food, making more of a mess than actually putting food in their mouths. John and Echo both sort of stood back in marvel over how these two worked. It was a treat just to see them eating, but to watch them trying to out-eat someone just as big as themselves was beyond what they had been able to be prepared for before, and it struck them with such awe.

Ally was mostly focused on eating rather than anything else, taking in whatever she could to stuff herself and tightly pack down anything loose or soft to make room for more. She seemed almost like a natural at this kind of event, grabbing up smaller, loose bits and adjusting every so often to shift the contents in her growing belly more and more in order to make more room. She was a glutton with talent, able to pack on in a smart and informative way that made her competitor all the more agitated.

Roxy was more gung ho in her approach, not caring how she managed the task but instead caring about doing whatever it took to best her opponent. She grabbed thicker and more bountiful pieces, though nothing was truly lacking for these gals, and practically shoved each morsel down her gullet with another. It was a bit of a tiring task for the fox, not used to being as heavily fed. But when she looked up at Ally, and saw how the cat was not letting up, it sparked a fire in her bloated stomach that pushed her further on. She only slowed when she felt the familiar touch of Echo fall on her shoulder.

"Slow down a bit," Echo warned her, "or you might throw back up what you're putting in."

"What?!" Roxy shouted in response, before shoving another mini cake into her mouth, bits of frosting sticking to the outside. "And let her win?!"

"I've got an idea of how you could do it better." Echo watched how Ally worked as well. "Why don't you try this?" Echo presented a plate of sausage links, each tied together by the casing.

Catching onto her partner's idea, Roxy picked up the loose end and began eating from the plate. She practically swallowed them down like thick, greasy noodles, one by one slipping into her a quick, voracious pace. She let out a moan of approval in response, Echo smiling at her successful work.

Ally only paused at hearing Roxy, and went wide-eyed at what she saw. She was shocked at the display, and slightly angry at herself for not having thought of doing it before Roxy. She looked back to her own pile of bits and crumbs and began to think of how inefficient her approach was. She quickly looked to her side where John was leaned over her, lost in marveling over his love's body.

"John!" She shouted through a mouthful of pastries.

"Hm?" John looked up, a bit dazed from being drawn out of his fantasies.

"She's gonna win like that!" Ally complained. "Help me out!"

John looked over to the other side of the couch and watched how Roxy and Echo worked in tandem. He then looked back to Ally with a smile. "Don't worry, hun." He said, reaching for a stack of toaster pastries. "I'm not just gonna stand by and let you starve. Open wide." He only just lifted his hand as Ally bit the pastry and, with two bites, swallowed it down. He grinned lustfully at the display and reached for another, wondering just how much she could fill herself with.

Time passed without any kind of true reference either side could tell. The two blobs kept eating and the two feeders kept feeding. Their bodies began to really bloat out not long after they started, filling out the couch and more with their fat forms. Blubber was piling on relentlessly with how they stuffed themselves, their butts and bellies expanding the most. Where they once weighed at probably a good 800 pounds together, they now most likely were shy of a hundred pounds each of 800. They only really stopped to take in the full magnitude of what they looked like when both John and Echo left to grab more food. The feline and fox marveled over their supple form, poking and prodding and massaging with eager anticipation of the next meal to come.

Roxy, just as competitive as when she began, turned her chubby face, with at least three chins now, to face Ally. She noted how the feline sported equal mass to her, how her tail was centered perfectly between her yoga ball cheeks and how her belly pressed her legs apart and was but only a few inches from the ground. Roxy moved back to her own body and looked over, even touching, the assortment of folds of flab she sported in equal comparison to Ally. Her arms looked like inflated sacks of jelly, resembling the sausages she scarfed down earlier. Her thick build of cellulite only made her more hungry.

Roxy called back to the kitchen, yelling "Bring in those cakes, I'm starving!"

Echo shouted back, "But we aren't done decorating them yet."

Ally chuckled to herself. "Who needs fancy food? All this fat cat needs is a good stuffing!"

In the kitchen, Echo and John looked to each other and simply shrugged. They stacked up the undecorated slices of cake onto carts and wheeled them into the living room, the two competitors instantly grabbing for pieces with their hands, tearing off chunks before chowing down to make room for another handful.

Unfortunately, the cake didn't last as long as expected, going by without a trace that left the girls feeling empty. John could see the sorrow in both their eyes, and an idea came to mind. "I've got an idea of how to finish this." He announced before rushing back into the kitchen. He returned a minute later wheeling out a tank about half his height labeled "Frosting", with two tubes and nozzles attached.

Echo gave a concerned look. "Uh, you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course!" John beamed back. "What else are we gonna use this stuff for?"

He placed the tubes in easy range of the two girls, who struggled to reach them before slowly plopping each nozzle in their mouths. With a flip of a switch, the machine came to life, and the competitors instantly lit up with surprise as sweet, sweet frosting began making its way into their stomachs. They suckled greedily on the ends of the tubes, indulging in the thick cream that permeated their being.

John smiled at his work, before his face suddenly changed to a look of fear. Perhaps there was a reason the two feedees felt so empty from the cake, because it wasn't truly complete without frosting. The two girls bloated out quickly, taking up more and more space in the living room and pushing back furniture around them. The couch, already broken from their weight, split apart right then and there, but was further hidden under all that fat furry flesh as they kept gaining. Their bodies pressed against each other in the shrinking room they had left, causing them to become heated, and try to suck out more frosting than the other. John and Echo couldn't avoid the bloating in time, being swept up in the expansion and thrown around as they tried to find footing. It was beyond anything of comparison, anything of understandability, anything of-


The machine stopped as all its contents were deposited. When Ally and Roxy realized this, they stopped and tried to look around to figure out who had grown bigger. But all they could see was black, white, and pink fur all around them; blubbery, fatty, juicy rolls of multi-colored fur.

"Heh, loosh lighe I wunn." Ally proudly stated her victory while trapped behind a roll of her own fat.

"No vhey!" Roxy shouted back in angry response. "I wunn thish fing!"

As the two argued, lost somewhere in the piles of fat and blubber, John and Echo layed flattened out and trapped, dazed and confused at the grand final act.

"Th-that's a tie, r-right?" John asked, his head spinning crazily as he struggled to form a sentence.

"I think sooo..." Echo was just as dizzy.

"Awwwsoooome" John cheered, before ultimately passing out.

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