The Cult of the Moth

Darkness. A soft drone of the earth. Candlelight dots what appears to be a large, cave-like room. Intricate woven patterns of rusted and bronze fabric find themselves hung from the rocky walls and ceiling. And stood within were what appeared to be tens...

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Momma Bear

The large panda momma standing before you scoops you up into her thickened arms and smooshes you into her voluptuous form. As your head pokes out between her over-stuffed breasts, she plants a soft little kiss on your forehead. "Sweet dreams, little...

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A Poem of a Feeder Corgi

A lust for fat that can't be quenched; The small corgi will make you benched. Ambitions massive, off the scales, But neverending till all tails And arms and legs and breasts and butts Are swallowed up by massive guts. Until you lack a hunger...

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You grunt as you struggle to move, only to feel those scales tightening, holding you firm in place. The grinning naga who grabbed you chuckles as their body slithers into place. "Don't worry now, I've got you sssafe in my coils. We're going to have...

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Wendy's Wonderful Wardrobe

They say she can tailor fit any item or article to fit any body. Whether you're twig thin or plus sized, if you like what's on show and you got the dough, she's there to help. What shocks most of her patrons is just how comfortable...

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Hotdog Challenge

They said it couldn't be possible, but as a rumbling belch echoed through the room, the looming figure of an overstuffed pig seemed to prove it. The "100 hotdogs for 10 friends" challenge quickly turned into 283 for one hog. Licking their lips, they...

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The Fat Hat Poem

There once was a man named Matt He owned a beautiful hat But on a night late He ate and he ate Now he's too fat for his hat

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Sweet Dreams

One night, you have a dream of life in a gingerbread house. The sight before you looks delicious, and you can't help but taste it. First you just munch on the soft cotton candy pillow. Then you take a slurp of gummy drapes. Soon you move to cookie...

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Livestream Snack

\*GLLRK\* "Ahh... man, he went down well." A smug dragon spoke as he rubbed his rotund gurgling belly. Burping, he playfully patted it, watching it shift and move as his boyfriend-turned-lunch squirmed inside. "Heh, looks like the stream's...

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"Now why leave so soon?" Your portly pachyderm host said as he closed the exit door in your face. "You haven't even gotten to try out the rest." The elephant grabbed you by the collar and shoved a cookie in your face. "It's called an 'all you can eat'...

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Ghost Hunting

Ghost hunting was always such an interesting concept to you, a hobby you thought could at the very least fill time and expand your horizons. Curiosity led you to a seemingly abandoned mansion, and it didn't take long before the ghostly hosts and their...

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A New Star

Look upon yourself, dear agent of gluttony, for you have found comfort among a new form which encapsulates your desires most naturally. From every pound of warm adipose which now adorns you like a blanket of the most soft cotton the earth below may...

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