Momma Bear

Story by Loko_K_O on SoFurry

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#20 of Quick Fetish Blurbs (series)

The large panda momma standing before you scoops you up into her thickened arms and smooshes you into her voluptuous form. As your head pokes out between her over-stuffed breasts, she plants a soft little kiss on your forehead. "Sweet dreams, little one." She murmurs.

A Poem of a Feeder Corgi

A lust for fat that can't be quenched; The small corgi will make you benched. Ambitions massive, off the scales, But neverending till all tails And arms and legs and breasts and butts Are swallowed up by massive guts. Until you lack a hunger...

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The world around you is spinning, the delicious scent that pulled you here into his arms intoxicates you further. He raises his arm, beckoning you underneath. You slowly and groggily comply as you shove your snout right against his sweaty flesh. You're...

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Fat Beyond Words

Is there a word to describe how fat you've become? Words like superchub or morbidly obese or even blob don't do it justice. Teases like wide-load or lardass can't properly detail your bloated, blubbery form. And yet, deep down, you know you can always...

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