Mysteries of the Past: Chapter 5 of Galactic Conflict

Those thoughts were only fleeting in my mind though, as i laid the crosshairs over an edjharra warrior, dressed in full battle armor and wielding an exotic curved blade, similar to the cavalier blades that the old european calvary from earth used during

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Exposure - Chapter Ten

He wished that he could be as cavalier about his sexuality as jason seemed to be.

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions

That was why he couldn't take royu's fears about him being too cavalier with the emotional aspects of the path. if he was truly using his skills irresponsibly then he would have taken away the viscount's pain right there on the spot.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 13

I noticed i was feeling more cavalier and debated with myself. _joining a club isn't being 'loud.'_ _i __t's just not hiding. screw it, i did the whole hiding thing for a lifetime. was i happy? f#ck no! then let's do it!

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Sinori's Tale - Chapter Six

It had been obvious that honchkrow and haunter didn't get along too well, but still, such a cavalier dismissal like that? "we have to go help her; she was caught helping us..." "no, we have to get out before we get caught too.

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Office Work, with a Twist of Carnage

I think the cavalierly just arrived. my first feeling was 'i'm saved!', but this was quickly followed by a 'yeah, right.'

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A New Life New Body: Everyone Goes to Hell

Shaking her head she said "not at all, but i am certain that they won't be so cavalier about storming a hole four feet from a nuclear reactor." "alright, lets get to the city then theres one not too far from there. you're a good kid you know?"

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Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30

Their plans wouldn't be ruined by such a cavalier attitude. he'd drag her up by her tail if he had to. who would have thought that a dragon at least twice his age would have the attitude of a rebellious teenager?

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The Home Front

Between you and i, i think the officers at muroc would_care_ a little more about following protocol when they're choosing promotion candidates than the cavalierness with which you're treating it." "probably," she admitted.

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I, Dacien - Chapter Seven - Illumination

"i hope i do not seem cavalier with your well-being," sasha said. "but the true scope of war fought by mages is ... something that must be seen. this is merely half of it." "half?"

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Behavior Unbecoming

Maddy did not think she could afford to be quite so cavalier. "she did recognize the ship we brought over, though. that's what munro and torrs said. can you_guarantee_ she's not from there?"

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The Family Vulpes Chp7

The vixen admitted cavalierly, causing her father to cringe visibly in response. "although i guess i was determined to take a spill that day one way or the other since you told me i got hurt anyway." "scraped your knee trying to jump a little rock..."

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