The Book of Warlock 14. Battle ready.
Standing in silence, he stared, dumbfounded, at his hands once more. The power ran through him, living within him, reaching out whenever he commanded, changing reality around him. All he had to do was set it free. Luci's order, along with the look in...
From the desk of the General. Mission 5.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Decorated with the Medal of Best Disco Dancer at Pontins Holiday Park, Minehead 1989) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Player of pool Military...
The Book of Warlock 12. A portent of doom.
Unaware of the offensive taking place upon the goblin city of Everdwell only a few miles beyond them, General Warlock and his group of adventurers plodded along in the morning sun's warmth. The Dragon was walking steadier now. Its scales gently...
From the desk of the General. Mission 4.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (ex demon of the underworld) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Killer of Tamagotchis Military tactical genius Occasional side character BP...
From the desk of the General. Mission 3.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Chief Kicker of Photocopiers) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Drinker of coffee Military tactical genius Occasional donkey BP date...
From the desk of the General. Mission 2.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Knight of the Extendable Table) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Eater of bacon sandwiches Military tactical genius Occasional Bad Guy BP date...
From the desk of the General. Mission 1.
From the desk of: General Sir Anarchy Warlock (Official Troublemaker of the Realm) Senior Commander of the Kaos Army: Black Planet Leader of 1st Tank Battalion Defender of Orc rights Military tactical genius (I'm just typing what he dictates, don't...
The Book of Warlock 11. Ghosts and rumours.
The beautiful goblin city of Everdwell was in the rat's sights. It sat on the horizon, nestled in the chunky rocky outcrops of the mountains. Sunlight reflected from lofty spires. Clouds cast shadows over the tall, fortified walls, their timber...
Book of Warlock 10. Great Balls of Fire.
"Dark magic?? The Sceptre has Dark magic in it, and can bring about the end of the universe? And you just carried it in?!" Anar roared. The Dragon flushed and looked miserable, "I wandered into the wrong dimension by mistake. It happens." "I...
The Book of Warlock 9. The Collector.
Everything has its opposite. There is light, there is dark. There is matter, there is antimatter. There is magic... and then there is Dark magic. They repel each other, they will not mesh, will not blend, will not co-habit hosts peacefully. Both...
The Book of Warlock 8. Lessons in magic.
"I am a LayMage from the Council of Sorcerer's, and I mean you no harm!" Lucinder called out across the flowing water. Brook gave the lady mage a look from across the river. Why she had to open every communication with that funny line, she really...
The Book of Warlock 18. In love and war.
Leaving the trees and rivers behind him, General Warlock led his group away from the calm and safety of the wilderness, and they rode down the grassy bank towards the goblin Citadel and the great gash above it in the sky. He gripped his Nightmare steed...