Shadow Species: Werewolf Age: 24 (Immortal) Orientation: Gay Home: Born in a distant pack but was exiled and hunted when his father discovered he was gay. Height: 6 feet 6 inches before becoming a guardian, 8 feet 6 inches after Color: Smokey...
Seekers Tale Part 24
Part 24 I woke up the next morning a couple hours before dawn. For a few moments I lay there in the grass with Shadow press up next to me watching the stars over head. Thoughts about my brother's sudden return to my life flick through my mind. How had...
Seekers Tale Part 7
Part 7 The next morning I am rudely awakened by a beam of sunlight as the sun rises over the mountains and sends its probing rays straight through my window into my eyes. Deciding it is futile to fight the sun I stretch and yawn then look to my left...
Secrets Ch. 30
Chapter 30 Over the next couple of weeks the whole house learns how to make do with less sleep than normal. Rick and Silver seem to have made it their personal mission to make sure everyone gets woken up at least three times a night for one reason or...
Secrets Ch. 31
Chapter 31 "No not this time." I snarled. Chase stomps around the old lab as I work on making the portal runes, "And just why the hell not, Ebony? If there is a threat to any member of this pack I have the right, the obligation, to address...
Secrets Ch. 34
Chapter 34 Grunting at the rough twisting of my head Chase has done, I open my mouth to explain but Tribus interrupts me and says proudly, "My grandson got into an argument with a harpy and won with only that scratch. The harpy on the other hand......
Secrets Ch. 33
Chapter 33 For several long moments the three of us simply stare at each other with frozen expressions. I feel my right foot slip slightly on the floor as my body prepares on instinct to fight or flee when a sudden movement draws my...
Secrets Ch. 29
Chapter 29 Following Chase upstairs, my still frayed mind begins churning out numerous reasons for why Richard and Jasmine would want to see the both of us. Each scenario getting more upsetting than the last. I have only known the two of them for a...
Seekers Tale Part 43
Part 43 Time seemed to stand still. From my place on the ground I could see everyone around the area clearly. Around the edges the four masters, Harran, and myself were all laid out and wounded, barely able to sit up, let alone stand. In the center of...
Seekers Tale Part 42
Part 42 I grin at my father, "Glad to have you here. To bad it took me so long to realize it was possible." As I turn to speak more with him Aiden speaks up, "We can call each other thick later, right now we have a fight on our hands." As one we...
Seekers Tale Part 45
Part 45 Wolfie's mouth opens and closes several times without letting a sound out. It would seem that our offer has left him temporarily unable to speak. As a smirk stretches across my muzzle speech finally seems to return to my friend. With a gulp...
Secrets Ch. 8
Chapter 8 Slowly I crunch through the snow as I weave my way back through the trees lost in thought. I know that if I stay here with Chase and his pack they will be in ever growing danger with each passing day. But at the same time a pack of wolves...