
Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#2 of Character Bios


Species: Werewolf

Age: 24 (Immortal)

Orientation: Gay

Home: Born in a distant pack but was exiled and hunted when his father discovered he was gay.

Height: 6 feet 6 inches before becoming a guardian, 8 feet 6 inches after

Color: Smokey black fur with silver eyes

Powers: Fire Guardian created by Seeker which gives him new found immortality and a sword that he can summon at will using a red sword tattoo on his right wrist. He also has basic summoning magic skills and basic fire magic.

History: Shadow was born into a pack located to the far north deep in a forest. He is the son of the Alpha a wolf by the name of Harandoom. Much of his early childhood was comfortable if not happy. Until the day his mother disappeared under mysterious circumstances. It was later revealed that she was killed by his father who was at the time being possessed by a great evil.

Shadows life after his mother's death was filled with fear and hiding. The fear he lived under came from his father's obsession that he learn how to fight and how to use magic. In time Shadow was able to learn how to summon shadow creatures and weak demons, unfortunately he was not always able to keep them under his control.

His greatest fear came from what he kept hidden most, his attraction to men. His father had proven time and again that anyone that he considered to be weak and not normal, meaning anyone who didn't do exactly as he ordered, would be killed without a second thought. So Shadow kept his desires closely guarded.

One day when he had just turned twenty Shadow decided to trust his closest friend with his secret, this was to be the worst mistake he ever made. The friend turned out to only be friendly to Shadow because he was the Alpha's son. As soon as he knew Shadows secret he went straight to the Alpha to tell him in the hopes of being rewarded.

Harandoom ordered Shadow's death within the hour of hearing about his son being gay. The plan was for one of his lieutenants to take Shadow out on a hunt for a bear only to kill him when they were alone. It would have worked if Shadow had not been passing near Harandoom's meeting room and overheard the order for his execution.

Shortly after the two had entered the forest on the hunt for the bear they were both attacked by the same bear they had been hunting. The bear, a mother with cubs, attacked without provocation or warning and decapitated the lieutenant in one swipe. After letting the lifeless body fall to the ground in front of it the bear then turns her attention to Shadow.

For several moments they just stand there looking into each other's eyes. Then for no apparent reason the bear turns and walks into the forest her cubs trotting after her as though nothing happened. Seeing his chance at life Shadow grabbed his pack and set off on his own.

For four years he traveled alone practicing his skills and working to survive. One day he found himself near a village when he tried a complex summoning only to lose control of it. He followed the summoning in an attempt to stop it but before he was able to it was destroyed by two werewolves he had never seen before...