Secrets Ch. 34
#34 of Secrets
Chapter 34
Grunting at the rough twisting of my head Chase has done, I open my mouth to explain but Tribus interrupts me and says proudly, "My grandson got into an argument with a harpy and won with only that scratch. The harpy on the other hand... Well she won't be flying in a straight line for a long time."
Celeste rolls her eyes as she settles down on the couch near where my grandfather is standing. She turns to look at Chase saying, "What my husband means, is that things got a little heated in his court today and Ebony was drawn into some demon politics. It's nothing to really worry about as long as you keep the wound clean the next few days."
Chase pushes me down into a chair before he starts fussing over the bandages so he can expose the wound on my face. Growling he says, "You said you were just going to ask him a few questions. Not start a fight."
Once the makeshift bandages are off he grumbles, "What the hell even is a harpy?" He tosses the blood soaked bandages into the fire where they quickly burn and smoke before he calls to the stairs, "Jake, bring me some fresh bandages and tell Richard and Jasmine to please hurry up."
Trying to pull back from his paws as they part the hair on my face around the cut I answer, "Harpies are demons who are half bird half woman and have very bad attitudes. The queen even more so."
Chase stops messing with the cut and looks at me with wide eyes, "You fought their queen? What the hell Ebony? Your not even gone half a day and your getting in fights and bringing other demons to our home? You swore you would do nothing to hurt this pack!"
Growling I move to stand up but Tribus clears his throat loudly causing me and Chase to turn to him, "Chase, that is uncalled for. I am not saying that just as Ebony's grandfather, but as his demon lord as well. He did not start the fight with the harpy, she did, and no harm will befall you or your pack because of it. What happened was little more than an argument and will have no more impact on your pack than a summer breeze would."
Chase seems to calm down slightly at his words and goes to open his mouth to retort but Tribus continues, "Further more, Ebony came to me with questions to protect your pack and the reason I came back with him was because the answers I have will need to be shared with everyone it will impact. Especially the child's parents."
At that Chase turns and glares at me with a fiery gaze of building anger, "You told them about Silver?"
I try to avert my gaze but he holds my head in place so I let out a sigh, "It wasn't intentional I promise. If what my grandfather has discovered is as important as he thinks then it's better we all are on the same page now."
My grandfather nods with a stern expression as the firelight casts an angry glow on his features, "I assure you it is."
At that moment there is a loud gasp from the other side of the room followed by a clatter of several items dropping to the floor. We all turn our gaze to see Jake, Richard, and Jasmine standing at the base of the stairs. The bandages and rags Jake had brought having been dropped from his arms as the three of them all stare with wide eyes at my grandfather.
For a moment I don't realize why they are so shocked then I follow their gaze to the top of his head and mentally kick myself at forgetting about his demonic horns and crown. Slowly I stand up and move to stand in front of my grandparents. Clearing my throat loudly I manage to draw their attention to me as I speak, "Jasmine, Richard, Jake, I would like you to meet my grandparents. Lord Tribus and Lady Celeste.... Of the Draconic Demon Realm...."
Three sets of eyes turn and stare at me in silence before a small bark from Jake has him shifting to stand behind Richard, "What do you mean demon realm?"
Letting out a sigh I open my mouth to explain but Richard beats me to it. With a growl of anger he says, "What Ebony means is that he has brought his grandfather, a very dangerous demon, into our home. Something he should have asked about before doing."
Jasmine raises a paw and rests it on Richards arm before saying in a calm but stern voice, "I am sure that what Ebony has done he thought was necessary. I don't believe he would be so reckless."
Jake looks from the couple to me then back asking, "But he said they were his grandparents? Surely they can't really be de... demons..." His gaze turns to me with fear in his eyes, "Can you?"
My whole body feels as though someone has placed a great weight on me before Richard lets out a snort, "Oh yes they can be. Just like Ebony is a demon. Why else did you think his eyes and blood were so different from the rest of us Jake."
Jakes eyes stare wide at me with fear for a long moment as I just nod, "Yes, Jake, I am part demon."
With that he lets out a small yelp before turning to run upstairs. I try to move to follow him but Richard steps in front of me with a glare, "I think we need to talk first Ebony. Then we can see about letting you near the rest of our pack again."
The stab of pain his words cause me was far greater than I would have ever imagined. Dumbfounded I stand there, feelings of shock and anger flaring up in side of me. From my side a low growl begins to to rumble from within Chase but is quickly silenced when a loud smacking sound draws everyone's attention.
Celeste had managed to move herself up beside Richard without anyone noticing and had proceeded to slap Richard hard across the muzzle shocking everyone into silence. With a low growl in her own voice she says, "How dare you treat him like that! Ebony has given you his word he would never harm you, this pack, or your child has he not? That should be more than enough for you to hear him out."
Richard looks down at my grandmother a wide eyed look of shock on his face as she continues, "Furthermore young pup, my husband and I came here to try and help you find answers! Answers you asked Ebony to get did you not? I know my grandson better than you and I know he would never have come to Tribus if he felt there was another way to get you those answers. So before you go running that mouth of yours again I suggest you apologize to him then sit your ass down while we talk about that cub of yours."
The whole room remains deathly quite save for the crackling of fire as all eyes are on Richard and Jasmine. A look of anger and indignation quickly forms on his face as he turns to Jasmine who is staring daggers at him as she says in her own low growl, "Do it Richard, before I slap you as well."
That causes my eyes to go wide as I stare at the normally calm and peaceful Jasmine who continues, "We did ask him to get us answers Richard. Ebony warned us it would be dangerous and we asked anyway. He has only done what we wanted, at great cost to himself. You know how much he dreaded the rest of the pack finding out about what he really is and now we have forced that choice away from him."
Richard looks between his mate, my grandmother, then slowly back to me. As I watch him I see the anger slowly drain from his features to slowly be replaced by shame. Lowering his head he mumbles, "I'm sorry Ebony, I guess I over reacted."
"Damn right you did." I turn to follow the voice and see my grandfather with his back to the fire again, "And I approve of that fiery spirit you have young man, though you do need to learn how to direct it properly."
Richards face hardens again and he opens his mouth to speak again but I cut him off, "Do you really need to antagonize him grandfather? You're the reason everyone is on edge right now after all."
Tribus shrugs dismissively, "All I did was agree with him, besides he has a lot of potential, if I'm any judge of wolves after being around your grandmother's family."
Richard growls under his breath, "Like I need the judgement of a filthy demon."
That causes my grandfather to step away from the fire place and stalk towards Richard. As he moves the whole room seems to grow cold and darker as Tribus appears to grow larger and larger with each step until he is towering over Richard. The closer he gets to Richard the more oppressive of an aura he seems to radiate until even I feel like cowering under a rock from his gaze.
Richard remains rooted to the floor his fear evident both in his shaking limbs and the scent he is giving off. Tribus glares down at him with a cold calculating gaze before saying in a voice so cold even the fire seems to shrink away, "No man, wolf, or demon has ever shown such disrespect to me or my kind before and lived. Were it not for the promises I have made to my grandson and your alpha I would not hesitate to spread your ashes to the four winds. As it is..."
He lowers his head, which takes on a more draconic appearance, until his face is right beside Richards, "As it is young whelp....."
Everyone in the room seems to be holding their breath save for Celeste who has a look of mixed annoyance and amusement.
Tribus smiles broadly exposing far more razor sharp fangs than he had a few moments before and says with a chuckle, "I like you."
He takes a step back as the room instantly seems to warm back up and he returns to his previous form, "You have spirit, bravery, and are not afraid to say what you think. Yes I like you a lot young wolf."
As Tribus moves back to stand by the fire my grandmother rolls her eyes asking, "Was that really necessary dear? You nearly killed the poor boy with fear."
I turn to look at Richard just in time to see him fall backwards onto the sofa, the color long since drained from beneath his fur. Jasmine quickly sits beside him concern etched on her face but with a slight twinkle in her eyes as she says quietly, "I've told you before that mouth of yours will get you in trouble love."
A soft feeling of moisture has me touching my face only to pull my paw back with a bit of blood on it causing me to grumble, "Damn scratch."
My muttering has Chase by my side instantly checking my face again with one paw while the other is pushing me towards a chair. Only half heartedly resisting I settle into the chair as he gathers up the dropped bandages as he says loud enough for all to hear, "Richard you and I will be having a long discussion later about your attitude and Tribus..."
He straightens up as he nears my side and looks at my grandfather, "What the hell did you just do to us? You said you would cause no harm here."
My grandfather snorts as Chase sets about wrapping a fresh bandage over my eye, "I did nothing harmful to anyone here. All I did was expose a portion of my demonic aura, what you felt was nothing more than a small taste of my power. Surely Ebony has shown you some of his."
At that Richard, having regained some of his composure, Jasmine, and Chase all turn to look at me with confusion. Clearing my throat I say, "I uh... no actually, I haven't done that."
Tribus and Celeste both look at me with surprise as my grandmother asks, "You have not shown them even a sample of your aura? Ebony dear, I get that you have kept your demonic heritage secret, but why not show them your power once they knew?"
I shrug, "It never really came up, plus most of my power is sealed away remember."
My grandfather huffs as he practically shoves his hands into the fire to warm them, "No wonder the old crow of a harpy challenged you if you keep your aura hidden all the time. But now is not the time for that. We are here to talk about a certain young cub are we not?"
Glancing with my good eye to Richard and Jasmine before looking back to my grandparents as Chase finishes binding up my eye I say, "Yes, it's their son that I was telling you about."
Tribus nods as he stands up straight again pulling his hands out of the fireplace as he looks at the young parents with a serious, but caring, expression I have never seen before on the demon lord. Letting out a soft sigh he starts, "From what Ebony has told me about your son you all seem to think he is able to see through a demons disguise no matter what form they take is that correct?"
Jasmine nods, "Thats right, I have seen my son reach for both Ebony's and Rangers horns when they have been in their normal forms."
Tribus raises an eye and says, "My young lady, the form Ebony has taken now is the one he uses to disguise himself. His normal form is that of a part dragon. Same goes for the hellhound. But for the child to be able to perceive that it was a disguise...."
He drifts off as he crosses his arms across his chest and begins pacing in front of the fire as he falls deep in thought. After a few moments of his prolonged silence my grandmother speaks up, "What my husband is trying to tell you my dear, is that no being we are aware of, demon or mortal, has ever been able to see through a demons disguise. Now there are ways that weaker demons can be forced to reveal their true forms, runes, spells, and the like. But to just be able to see through them..."
Her gaze moves from Jasmine to me and my grandfather then back to Jasmine, "That's just not something that has ever been done before."
Jasmine and Richard share a glance filled with confusion and concern before looking back at my grandmother as Jasmine asks, "Then you have no answers? No idea what could be the cause of this?"
At that Tribus stops his pacing and turns to look at her, "Not necessarily, I may not know the cause, at least not the actual method by which he can see, but I may have some answers for you."
He glances in my direction before continuing, "But they will likely not be welcome for anyone here. Least of all you my grandson."
Before I can open my mouth to reply he turns back Richard and says, "I would very much like to meet your son. I want to see for myself how he behaves around a pure demon. If he can pierce even my disguise then I should like to know."
Richard and Jasmine both go stiff and look at each other before looking back at my grandfather who raises his right hand saying, "I have already sworn no harm will come to this pack. I have even extended my own protection over all those who live here. At this time there is no safer place on this earth for your child than right here, for many reasons."
His eyes flicker in my direction and I know he is referencing the barrier which initially kept him out of the house as well. After sharing another look between themselves Jasmine nods at Richard who gets up and heads for the stairs as she says, "Very well. While Richard is getting Silver maybe you can answer another question."
Tribus raises an eyebrow, "One not concerning your son?"
Jasmine pauses for a moment before saying, "Well it does concern my son, just not Silver."
At that Tribus and Celeste's eyes both go wide before my grandfather says, "He has a twin doesn't he?"
Jasmine nods, "He does, but his brother does not seem able to see things like Silver does. Why would that be?"
Tribus rubs his chin with his right hand thoughtfully for a long moment before turning to me and asking, "Ebony, have you felt anything out of the ordinary when you have interacted with the cubs."
Taken aback slightly at the sudden question I give a half nod, "Kind of I suppose, mostly it's just a feeling that the boys have great potential or a special destiny of some kind. Nothing more than that though. No idea of any hidden powers or abilities."
My grandfathers brow furrows into deep lines as his expression grows even more thoughtful, "Nothing really special about that I suppose."
Jasmine opens her mouth to say something but Tribus cuts her off clarifying, "What I mean is a lot of individuals, especially children, can give a similar feeling to someone who is naturally attuned to sense such things. Not all go on to live up to their full potential, but many do."
At that moment Richard steps back in the room with a cub in each arm. He looks to his mate and says, "Rick wasn't going to let me take Silver without throwing a fuss."
She nods knowingly as she stands to take Rick from his father, "He has been getting more fussy lately."
As she shifts Rick into her arms I see that Silver is leaning out of his fathers grip as far as he can reaching down towards the air beside them. Smirking I turn to look at Tribus and say, "Do you see what I was talking about? How he is able to know where Ranger is?"
Tribus and Celeste both turn to look at me tearing their gazes from the young cubs as Tribus asks, "What do you mean?"
I point at Silver who is still reaching down, "Ranger is right there playing with Silver now."
Celeste studies the area hard then her eyes go wide, "He is reaching for Ranger isn't he!"
Just then Ranger makes himself visible to everyone else in the room showing that he has been licking at Silvers finger tips. This causes Richard to huff in annoyance, "You could have done that earlier you dope, you nearly tripped me twice coming down the stairs cause I couldn't see you."
That causes a round of chuckles through the room until a small whine and a whimper draws all eyes on to Silver. The small cub has straightened up and is now staring wide eyed straight at my grandfather, his small paws gripping tight to his fathers shirt as his ears are folded back against his skull. Watching the young cubs eyes I see them quickly darting to focus on three different points above and to either side of my grandfather in rapid succession.
Looking to Tribus I see him watching the cubs eyes just as intently as I had. For a very long moment he just watches the cub with great interest before he says softly, "Ebony, I owe you an apology. Until this moment I did not believe your claims. But this child really does see my true form, he is trying to make eye contact with me as best he can but..."
He turns and looks at me with a mix of awe and fear in his eyes, "This could be much worse than I thought."