Proper Programming Prevents Poor Performance Part 1

"Station Alpha-Zero-Tengo-four-seven please respond," a young man sighed as he sat back on the leather chair, his eyes staring out into the vastness of space and more importantly the large silver dot that he had attempted to hail for the last ten...

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First official character

Elemental breath attacks, tranceformation, transforming that the smaller the form more physical strength and speed there is due to mass compression, minor gravity control for weight control as building would collapse ect, can polymorph when bored and ability assimilation


Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

The vanir. 166 aa â€" galladia begins construction of a secret fleet of warships using the resources from a planet called terra in the distant "altia galaxy", using the primitive anthropomorphic races as slaves to constructed her advanced fleet before assimilating

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408 The Secret Decalogue

It also has to deliberately stand outside, better yet slightly outrage existing religions and philosophies, so it doesn't get assimilated by them and confused." "you really have given this a great deal of consideration."

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An old story

Deuxièmement, le cerveau de la personne qui utilise cette technique est mit à rude épreuve car il doit assimiler le sens de la mort pour chaque forme de vie. seulement après avoir assimiler cela il peut voir les lignes.

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Chapter 17 - Cutting The Vines

"galladia has brought us here as well to help powerful her assimilation of yggdrasil. our souls are bound to yggdrasil and we can't leave" sighed anna as she stood looking down at the floor.

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200 In The Previous Episode of Sythkyllya

Cleo invites terrowne and sethkill to come along to the event, which is being held in a new, as yet unconsecrated temple building still under construction in the market district, that has assimilated four city blocks and aspires to become a ziggurat, a stepped

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John Hammond: Revenge Of Darkness

His torso cracked in half, revealing a bloody mess of tentacles that began assimilating the dinosaurs!

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Among the Fallen

Most speculate it's an advanced viral parasite, capable of shutting down an organism's life functions and assimilating those functions for itself. as far as i can tell, they're probably right.

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The Outlander 1 12

When claws' assimilation of jima is complete i will have the pair of you serve as captains of my guard." "thank yer ludship," said deadpaw. "now leave me," jagee demanded, "if i need you again i will summon you, go!"

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A Date With a Scientist (Anthro Cat TF)

As soon as the cat dna completely assimilated with your human dna, the virus is programmed to kill itself." mary has already placed the serum in a syringe, "are you ready for this?" "no anesthesia?"

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The Archivist

"assimilators," xocoh spoke up before she could help herself. "they're called assimilators." "right, okay. if it's an assimilator, though, it's going to increase power whenever the reactor output spikes." "i know, i know.

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