Spiral nebula - Chapter 16

"my full name is yukiomaru alexander." "velsh'nark-ectolf," replied the alien. the translator didn't attempt to translate the language. "velshnark?" repeated yukiomaru horribly ruining the accent, one of his ears tilted slightly.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Four

It had taken several hours of surveying the small furred creature, now identified as yukiomaru alexander, but the d.e squad had felt comfortable enough to lift the general alert in canis major.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Six

Here is a moment for yukiomaru alexander. after four long years, the stars on the maps started to show the familiar constellations that surrounded their home star.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Sixteen

"yukiomaru alexander," remarked euno while the group approached the fox. "i am surprised you came here when you knew you'd be outmatched. you cannot even defeat me." yukiomaru growled, his ears splaying and lips curling. "so why did you come?"

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Five

"relax and lower your guard, yukiomaru alexander." a menacing deep voice came out of this being as it got closer. this creature's posture and the black armor almost made him look like a threat.

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D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 5 (Husky P.O.V)

"relax and lower your guard, yukiomaru alexander." a menacing deep voice came out of this being as it got closer. this creature's posture and the black armor almost made him look like a threat.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Six

Finally face to face with yukiomaru alexander, the canideran, zonda looked directly to the little alien's eyes. both creatures had strikingly similar eyes and both showed almost no emotion.

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