Dust, Blood, and Fur Part 2

She remembers an explosion. The shock woke her up and caused her to jump from the bed. The source was obvious: Red Water has come for them. The town didn't wish any part of the war. The military left the small town alone, and the rebels saw no...

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Weapon - Awakening

Its a new year and I have a new story starting, sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the show! * * * Bright light, blinding, then a voice Instructions, these I can understand, unlike the lack of any memory before now. De-ja-vu It...

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FCW History - Ep. 2 - Layla Black

The camera fades in once more, up onto the form of a well-dressed silver fox, sitting on a stool with his tail across his lap, holding a microphone, and surrounded by television...

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FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka

As the scene opens, the camera pans down to a well-dressed gray fox, sitting on a stool, smiling as he lifts his microphone to his face. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Tony DiMarco here for FCW features presents: "History of a...

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Shattered Timelines: Battletech

If any of you have questions as to what these machines look like hit up sarna.net in your Google browser and search the 'Mechs Category or put in the names listed it will give you and idea of what these Machines look like. -X * * * WerewolfX walked...


First Vows ~Chapter 11 Heart of a Lion~

Danny burst through Devon's bedroom door, waking him. James had asked Danny to come over and talk to Devon about what had occured last night, and then left to go get groceries. "Danny? What are you doing?" Devon asked half awake. "Devon are...


A futile battle.

A most Heroic Tale Proulogue Written by Angel Natavi Note to readers: This is an unfinished work, which I am going to be publishing in book form when I am finished. Please understand when things take a strange turn, they WILL be explained...


Family Reunion

Hannah swallowed the last of her bowl of stew. Sunset and her were sitting around a fire, quietly eating lunch. Lacyus had gone out hunting and foraging. Sunset "Hey Hannah." Hannah looked up from her bowl. "Did Lacyus tell you it's his...

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K-495 chapter 4

Chapter 4 In the twilight of the early morning a lone submarine appeared out from the fog, prowled on the surface waters about 30 miles off of the cost of New York City. The slender sub rolled easily in the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The...

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A day at the office

Alex couldn't help but laugh as he walked into the parking lot outside the headquarters building. When he joined the guntruck platoon, He heard rumors that most of the guys were a little......crazy, but this proved it. There was a sign outside the lot,...


K-495 (chapter 2)

Chapter 2 It was 8:40, and every man was out on deck, the wind wiping through our fur, piercing out thin uniforms. We stood upright, at attention, as the admiral walked up and down the deck, before taking a stand in front of the middle of the...

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Be mine?

Matt replayed the scene over in his head. _Hey, Sara, what's up? I know I haven't spoken to you much before now, but there's a reason for that. I think I first began to notice you when I met you. You're a raccoon, just like me. I've had a crush...

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