Family Reunion
Hannah swallowed the last of her bowl of stew. Sunset and her were sitting around a fire, quietly eating lunch. Lacyus had gone out hunting and foraging.
Sunset "Hey Hannah."
Hannah looked up from her bowl.
"Did Lacyus tell you it's his birthay in a few days?"
Hannah choked briefly. "What does he want for a present?"
"To tell the truth, I dunno." She gave a futile laugh. "I'm giving him a gift I meant for him four years ago."
Hannah frowned. "What is it?"
Sunset walked over to her bag and picked up a pole wrapped tightly in cloth. She tore off the cloth, revealing two large swords. The hilts were gold leafed in an ornate pattern. Sunset took one and unsheathed it. The blade shined in the light of the fire. It was jet black, honed to perfect edge.
"They're made of ebonite steel. Harder than diamonds. I spent every penny I had when I was twelve ordering them. In your world, they would be worth around one hundred thousand dollars."
Hannah spit out the mouthful of broth she had. "ONE HUNDRED K!!!!!!!"
Sunset frowned. "Is that a lot? I had to save up for eight years just to buy these."
Sunset blinked. "Wow. I guess I went overboard." She sighed. "He'll probably think I'm expecting something as big in return."
Hannah frowned. "You're not though, right?"
"No. A simple kiss, or a good date would be good enough. I'm not overly romantic."
"What's wrong Sunset?"
Sunset made a strangled squeak as she shoved the swords under her pack. "N-N-Nothing." Lacyus was walking in the mouth of the cave.
Hannah wanted to throw up. He was carrying a dead stag. Blood dripped off of his claws and muzzle. Lacyus licked up the blood off his lips. He then proceeded to suck the blood off of his fingers and claws.
"Excuse me..." Hannah put her hand in front of her mouth as she rushed out.
Getting outside, she was somehow able to fight down the vomit that was rising in her throat. She took very deep, very fast breaths until she felt dizzy. Sunset ran up beside her. She handed her a canteen of water.
"You okay?"
Hannah nodded meekly, sipping on the water. "Why the hell did he do that?"
Sunset shook her head. "I should have warned you. Dragons are predatory animals. It's in our blood to hunt and kill by whatever means necessary. If we don't let out our instincts once in a while, we eventually go crazy."
Hannah coughed. "It looked like he killed it by biting it." Her voice was hoarse.
"He probably did."
Hannah fought down another wave of vomit.
"If it's any consolation, Lacyus is very kind. He would never hurt a friend unless they agreed to try and do the same to him."
Mira sat in the rocks just above the cave. Her dual barreled rifle was cradled in her hands. She watched as the blue and purple dragoness tried to console the human. The human looked like it wanted to throw up. She could catch bits and pieces of the conversation.
"Please warn me before he does that again."
"I will. You feeling better?"
The human nodded weakly.
'Peh. Dipshit criminals'
Mira settled her rifle sights on the human's back and pulled the trigger.
A double crack split the air. Hannah watched in horror as her heart was torn out in a shower of blood and guts. She collapsed forward. Blackness began to creep in on the edges of her vision.
'I. I. I'm dying.'
The world completely faded to black.
Mira smiled in satisfaction. Her two shots had directly hit the human's heart, killing it instantly.
'Beautiful.' Mira actually meant it.
Her attention turned to the dragoness who screamed at the sight of her friend dying.
Mira ran down the slope at full speed: sixty kilometers an hour.
Sunset knelt crying over Hannah's lifeless body. It had a fifteen centimeter wide hole in it.
"No, no no. DON'T DIE!" She screamed.
Something clubbed her on the back of her head, knocking her out.
Lacyus stared in horror. Hannah was dead. Sunset was unconscious. And now a dragoness stood at the mouth of the cave.
It was his sister. Mira.
She raised a dual barreled rifle at him. Lacyus raised an energy shield in front of him. Bullets riccocheted off of it.
"SHUT IT CRIMINAL! You have a nice fat bounty on your head. I want it." Mira smiled evily.
Tears rolled down Lacyus' cheeks. "STOP! YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!"
"I SAID SHUT IT CRIMINAL!" Mira surged forward, drawing and ebonite short sword.
Suddenly, Lacyus saw something glow under Sunset's pack. Using telekinesis, he called it into his hand. It was two ebonite steel claymores. He raised both in defense. Mira's sword hit, metal screeching on metal.
"Pretty hot swords for a criminal. Mind if I take them after I kill you?"
"I. Am. Your. BROTHER!"
Lacyus kicked her in the gut, sending her flying out of the cave.
Mira hit the ground. Tears were rolling down the sides of her face.
'How dare he use Lacyus' Identity!'
The dragon bounded out the cave, bellowing at the top of his lungs. Mira roared in anger and sorrow. She got up and charged at him. Their swords locked again.
"My brother is gone. I haven't seen him for four years" She growled, sobbing.
"I'm telling you, I'm your brother!"
The dragon kicked her again, sending her flying. She landed, just in time to see the criminal slam his hand to the ground.
The ground split as a huge wave of energy streaked towards Mira. She barely had enough time to roll out of the way.
Lacyus readied another Sonic Boom spell. It wasn't his most powerful, but if it hit, it would knock Mira out unharmed. She slammed his hand to the ground again, shunting mana to his palm.
Another wave of highly destructive wave of energy surfaced from the ground. Mira dodged it again.
Mira, in blind rage, dropped her sword and ran at him.
Mira was possessed by her own rage and the need to kill the impostor. She extended her claws, anticipating the taste of his sweet and warm blood.
The dragon deftly dodged every attack. Finaly it caught her head.
"Sorry Mira."
Mira suddenly felt weak. Her eyes began to close as she drifted off to sleep.
Lacyus collapsed to his knees, physically exhausted. Calling upon his Shadowdragon abilities had taken it's toll. He had to absorb some of Mira's soul to stop her.
Getting up, his thoughts turned to Sunset and Hannah.
Sunset would be fine, but Hannah could still be saved.
Lacyus ran over to her corpse. Using Shadow magic, he sealed Hannah's soul into the corpse, yanking it from heaven.
'At least if I fail, she'll go there.'
Lacyus searched his mind for a solution.
"Healing's out of the question. So is a blood well.' Then the idea snapped into his head.
Putting his hand on her head, he closed his eyes, searching for a specific memory in her subconscious. He found it and reactivated it. A flash of light engulfed Hannah's body. He smiled.
"You'll live." He whispered.
He crawled over to Sunset's body and collapsed beside it. Her scales were back to their natural orange beige.
Closing his eyes, he passed out.
Mira woke up. She stood up, stumbling from side to side. Regaining her balance, her mind focused on the mission.
'Kill him. That imposter bastard.'
She staggered forward, drawing a steel dagger from her belt. Once she killed him, it would be all over. Her brother would become a fragment of her memories again. Not something that haunted her everyday.
Getting to the mouth of the cave, she gasped. The criminal had collapsed over a familiar dragoness. Sunset. The dragon opened it's eyes a sliver. They were Lacyus'.
"Now do you believe me?"
Mira collapsed over him, hugging him tightly, tears running down her face. She howled in happiness and sorrow.
She couldn't believe it. Sunset. Lacyus. They were both back.
"I missed you. I missed you so much!" She wailed.
"I missed you too." Lacyus closed his eyes, tears slowly dropping out of them.
Sunset moaned and sat up. She clutched the back of her head. "Unnnhhh. My head hurts like a bi-" She stopped. "MIRA!"
Sunset launched herself on top of Mira. "Where have you been Sunset!"
Sunset was crying too. "Looking for Lacyus. God. I thought I lost a friend forever."
Mira switched from hugging Lacyus to hugging Sunset. "You never left my mind. You'll always be a friend"
The two got up. Lacyus remained on the ground.
"I'm so weak I can't even stand up." He chuckled. "I did managed to save Hannah though."
The two looked looked over to Hannah's limp body. Mira stared in awe
"You did that yourself! Incredible!"
Sunset scooped him up. "Get some sleep. You deserve it for saving her life." Lacyus obeyed, closing his eyes.
Mira scooped up the girl's body, taking it inside the cave. The two gently set their load's down, covering both with blankets. They sat in front of the rapidly dying fire.
"So, uummmm." Sunset massaged the back of her head. "Why did you attack us?"
Mira sighed. "I was given an order to kill a criminal named Mattheiu Robertson on sight. My commanding officer told me that he would try and use my brother's identity against me."
Sunset stared. "Mattheiu Roberson is Lacyus' human name."
"WHAT!?!? Ohhh, I'm goonnna tear Captain Barinade's jugular out!" Mira hissed, clenching her fist.
"Who's he?"
"He gave me the order to kill Lacyus."
Sunset frowned. "When me, Lacyus and Hannah were trying to crossover, we were attacked by a unknown military force on Earth. Oh and by the way, you have a new fake sister."
Mira laughed. "What do you mean?"
"When Mattheiu got out of the portal, he encountered some gangsters. A vixen Xeno saved him. Her name is Sarah Robertson. She posed as Lacyus' older sister."
Hannah awoke. Everything was aching, but she was up anyways. For some reason, she was on the ground. Setting her left hand on the ground, she dug her claws in as she sat up. Brushing dirt off her scales, she rotated her neck, stretching it. She had a pounding headache.
Getting up, Hannah massaged the ridge of her muzzle. A pounding headache was developing in the back of her head. Suddenly, she stepped on something and a lancing pain shot up her spine. She yelped and fell on her ass. Feeing down her back she found something protruding from her abdomen. A tail.
'I-I-I-I' Fear lanced through her mind.
She examined her hands and screamed.