Transformed Struggles- 6

#6 of transformed struggles and here we finally have the meeting with the elder, who gives somewhat vague explanations. partly because this is the branching point for this story.

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Transformed Struggles- 4

#4 of transformed struggles it was always something that amused me in regards to a post transformation on how do you actually walk. and when adding in literal voices in ones head, it allows for an interesting scenario.

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Transformed Struggles- 5

#5 of transformed struggles it is explained right away in the next chapter, but it was always something that i wish more that had the "telepathic from birth" races would deal with.

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Melody->Viper Transformation

Melody Viper TF The first sensation something was wrong was when Melody felt feverish. Many people would've shrugged this off as just being sick, and Melody would have as well, but it didn't stop after she got some water and laid down for a bit....

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The Transformation Chapter 7

We talk about my transformations and what we missed while we were gone. the college we applied to together accepted us. too bad we couldn't go.

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The Transformation Chapter 6

What was i doing here, i didn't have another transformation, did i? echo appeared and i looked at him with wide eyes. "wha-what? how am i here? i didn't go through another transformation did i?"

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Okami Amaterasu Transformation

This is a fictional story i did okami amaterasu transformation (this is a fictional story from one of my dreams) okay, it started with a normal day, i was living on my own is a huge mansion (from the video game, tomb raider 3) i was in my bedroom

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Chapter 1: Transformation

I opened my mouth to scream only to find out that i couldn't all i could do was curl up in a ball as the transformation took it's course. when all was finished and the pain finally stopped i got up only to find out i had changed.

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Transformers: Crossover Prologue

The prologue to the transformers/star fox fanfiction im writting. hope you like it prologue - location "ark" "war, for a time it was unknown to us, but a lust for power divided us.

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Dragon Transformation story

About 6 months ago, i was totally lacking inspiration, but i wanted to write -something-, so i offered to write a transformation story for someone and he's the only one that replied.

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