Transformers: Crossover Prologue

Story by MetroPex on SoFurry

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The Prologue to the Transformers/Star Fox FanFiction im writting. hope you like it

Prologue - Location "Ark"

"War, for a time it was unknown to us, but a lust for power divided us. Millions of years have passed, with no change in direction, many have lost their lives, fighting in this senseless war. Two factions fight in the name of their victory. The Autobots, who fight for freedom and peace, and the Decepticons who fight for control and domination. We Autobots fought bravely, but we were out numbered. There was no hope in staying on Cybertron, our home. In a desperate mission to save the remaining Autobots from extinction, I ordered our ally Metroplex into his alternate form, with a few modifications, we were able to transform Metroplex into an Ark, to send us into the stars, away from the Decepticon forces".

"I am Sentinal Prime, and to any other Autobots who remain on Cybertron, we are leaving. Remember this, we did not leave you behind, if we were to wait any longer, Megatron may have destroyed us all. We will return one day, but until that day comes. You are on your own. Fight in the name of freedom my friends".

As the Autobots prepared their voyage into the cold depths of space. Sentinal Prime received a distress signal coming from underneath Metroplex's thrusters. Thinking someone may have been trapped under Metroplex, Sentinal ordered Optimus to retrieve this person. "Sentinal, the others need me in the medical wing, my hands are full". Having no other choice, Sentinal ordered the bridge connecting Iacon to the Ark to open. Outside of the Ark, Sentinal jumped off of the bridge, unsheathing his sword, he sliced into the arks hull, using it to slow his fall to Metroplex's thrusters.

Arriving at the fuel pumps, directly below the Ark's thrusters. He began to search for the distress signal. Corner after corner he searched, until arriving at the signal, what he found was shocking. An Autobot scout had been torn in half, leaving a trail of Energon, making Sentinal believe he was dragged to this position. "Who could have done this to you, your death was not in vain soldier". Before Sentinal said his final words to the dead Autobot, a voice came from behind him.

"Your weak Sentinal, I knew you would come here, to save one of your own, Megatron has ordered me to give you the same treatment, any last words". "If I am to die here, then so be it, but my Autobots, even without a leader, will never give up". "Your death will be slow and painful, Megatrons orders". "Then so be it".