Transformers: Crossover Prologue

Prologue - Location "Ark" "War, for a time it was unknown to us, but a lust for power divided us. Millions of years have passed, with no change in direction, many have lost their lives, fighting in this senseless war. Two factions fight in the name of...

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Fallout: Tales from Vilous - Origins

War, no matter where in the universe it may be, it never changes. Across the cosmos, on the distant world of Tal, home world of many diverse civilizations, is on the brink of war. For centuries this world has been in a constant conflict, between the...

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Transformers: Crossover - First Paragraph!

Location "Ark" 2500 Earth hours before collision. Halfway across the galaxy, drifting through empty space the Autobot ship named The Ark, had just recently escaped Near extinction. Using what remained of their energy reserves, they made one final...

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