End Of Day's (the story continues)

I have finally decided to not give up on my End of Day's story, I know it took me to long. But guess what? I'm back and I hope better than ever, let the story continue. All characters belong to me, Angel belong's to Angel the vampiric. Now let us...

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A continuing poem of a journey to love

This poem is small right now; but as I get farther along my journey, I shall add more to this poem and with luck and love. This poem's ending will be happier than anything I'll ever make. But it is a hard journey on the path I take. The world flickers...

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Continued Exchange, Part 6

...the gateway had opened. It was familiar to Simba and Bambi, by this point but Nala was left speechless. "Bambi?" asked Simba, perplexed, "What are you doing he..." He quickly realized they weren't alone. Nala had an idea about who this was...

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Continued Exchange, Part 5

The next morning, Rafiki sent Bambi to get more water from the gateway. He fully intended to do so but he had another mission. He stood waiting where he met Nala the day before. "I guess I'm early," he thought. To pass time, he observed his...

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Continued Exchange, Part 4

Meanwhile at the baobab tree, Bambi was staring into the open too. He couldn't sleep. "What are we looking at?" asked a voice from behind. Bambi didn't need to look to know it was Rafiki. "Nothing, really." "May I join?" Bambi shrugged...

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Continued Exchange, Part 3

It was almost dark by the time Bambi returned to the Baobab tree. "Ah, there you are," said Rafiki. "About time," grunted Timon, "You wouldn't believe this guy. Going on and on about psychobabble." "It is called philosophy," retorted Rafiki...

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Continued Exchange, Part 2

Bambi was trying to concentrate on getting the water to Rafiki but his mind was elsewhere. If this didn't work, he'd stay a lion and would still have Scar's task hanging over his head. Physically, he knew he could do it and he could do it quickly but...

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Continued Exchange, Part 1

The far part of the Oasis might have seemed normal but for some, it held a pond which acted as a gateway to a place where the trees are thicker and their leaves a different shade of green. The gateway could also have strange effects for those who pass...

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Continued Exchange, Part 9

"Okay," Simba panted, "I think we can stop now." He and Nala had been running for a while. "We need to think of what to do now," he continued, "Scar 'got' that potion from Rafiki so I say we go to him and plan from there. What do you think Nala?" There...

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Continued Exchange, Part 8

At last, at long last, Bambi and Simba made it to Pride Rock. Simba had seen it so many times but never before did it seem so domineering. "Well this is it," said Bambi, "If we find Scar, we can find Nala. Are you sure you're ready for this?" ...

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Continued Exchange, Part 7

Bambi searched the forest intently, making sure to pay attention to where he was going. Simba had not gone far and Bambi found him quickly, looking very shame faced. Bambi approached him cautiously. "Hey." Simba looked up. "Hey." "Are you...

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The Rune Tapper: Part II Murderous Reprisal

Part II Murderous Reprisal Chapter 11 Behemoth Bay The day following the crimson moon, it had been assessed that the demon, now known by Tek and the populace simply as 'Silence'...

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