A continuing poem of a journey to love

Story by Liht Tarnussay on SoFurry

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This poem is small right now; but as I get farther along my journey, I shall add more to this poem and with luck and love. This poem's ending will be happier than anything I'll ever make.

But it is a hard journey on the path I take. The world flickers in and out of darkness and obstacles riddle my path and way; yet I will continue on my way. For I know what I wish for, I wish to complete my journey; and complete my goal.


I start my path, blind and deaf; my world in darkness.

I travel the path, the road rocky and hard; my faith was weak.

I reach an obstacle, large and wide; my hope was gone.

I finally open my eyes, the path was dark sill; my world was unlit.

I move forward, a guide shined down; my path could be seen.

I travel my path, the road uneven and difficult; my faith became stronger.

I reach an obstacle on my path, large and sharp; my hope grew higher.

I close my eyes, the path stayed lit; my world was filled with light.

I look to the light, the guide vanishes; my path I still remember.

I move forward, my path engraved in my mind; my journey shall continue.