End Of Day's (the story continues)

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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I have finally decided to not give up on my End of Day's story, I know it took me to long. But guess what? I'm back and I hope better than ever, let the story continue. All characters belong to me, Angel belong's to Angel the vampiric. Now let us begin.

Zach slowly comes back from his unconsinsess state, he opens his green eye's scanning around the room. By the look of it, he was in a medical room lying on a bed. But this wasn't the same medical room he first woke up in, the light's are slightly dimmer, the floors had white tile instead of a grayish metalic floor. Zach slowly sit's up and turns his body, his sit's on the edge of the bed looking around the room thinking how he got there.

Zach stands up from the bed and walks to the room's door, he opens the metalic door. He looks out and into the well lit hall, and seeing it clear, Zach start's making his way down the hall, passing rooms on his through the unknown base. Then a door from one of the rooms behind him opens, the young panther turns around to see who or what was making the noise, he draws his pistol and aims it down the hall, and waits for something to come out. But instead of something threating it was Maria the pantheress that saved him from the black serpent at the first base he woke from, but then he heard gun cocking behind him.

"Drop the gun." Said a female voice, Zach slowly turn his head seeing a wolfess with raven like wings, purple eye's, and silvery blue fur, dressed in a assassins clothing, and a black scarf covering the lower part of her muzzle. She lowers the scarf revealing the rest of her face. Zach notices the pistol she was wielding, it had a silencer on it to supress the gun fire if shot. Then Maria speaks up, "Angel lower your weapon, he's a friend." Angel look past him and nods, as she lowers her silencer pistol and holsters it.

"I'm sorry for Angel's action, she's alway's on her guard, and she's also an assassin."

Zach looks back the wolfess, then back at Maria, "How old is she?"

"I'm 19 thank you very much. By the look of you, you're probably a Marine from Weyland's Utani." The raven wolf said to the panther.

Zach nods, "That I am, Private First Class Zach Panther, at your serivce." He introduced himself and salutes after, "So is there other's here?"

"Yes, let's go meet the rest of the gang, Zach." Maria say's walking past Zach and Angel, leading them down the hall. After a few minutes of walking down the hall's of the base, and through several room's, until Maria came to a stop. She places her hand on a hand scanner, and the two sliding doors before them slide open, they walk in the room. Inside were different species, all of them armed to the teeth in all sort's of weaponary, Angel walks past Zach, and Maria to join the group of former soldiers, mercenary's, assassin's, and other military personal, "follow me."

Zach complies and follow's her over to a group of soldiers, that were sitting in a circle talking to each other, "Ok, boy's and girl's, attention." She said aloud getting they're attention, her and Zach arrive at the group, a male german shepherd, dressed in a officers uniform with pulse rifle strapped to his back, he looked like he was in his early twenties stands, "Who's the new guy, Maria?" He asked. "Everybody this is Zach Panther, Zach the german shepherd there is Rico, my second in command."

"Nice to meet you, Rico."

"The rest of you introduce yourselves." Maria say's

A brown slightly muscular bear dressed in the same kind of armor as Zach, stands, "I'm Brick, I carried you to the medical room." Before the rest could introduce themselves, an alarm goes off, and the red alarm light's come on. Maria looks at the light's and at her squad, "we got Xeno's, now move your asses." She orders as they get up, get they're weapons and run to their positions. Everything is quiet except for the alarm's going off in the background.

"Angel what's your 20?" Maria asked over a communicator.

Angel reaches the lookout tower, and she looks through her sniper scope, and turns a knob on her scope the vision turns to night sight. She scans the outside world seeing nothing but the deserted landscape, Angel let's out a sigh, and answer's her communicator, "I don't see anything, Maria. So far."

Sorry if it's not much, but give me a break. I haven't wrtten anything in a while, so leave me a comment after reading, thank you. Signed Vampire Panther