Slender Haiku

As you run away, he is there...closely behind, you cannot escape. generator five, slamming your paw as before, quickly! you're almost... ...a tight grasp on you, appendages have you held, you are now hostage.

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Final horizon

A spark of orange ignited before me and popped on my paw, burning me, i jerked my paw away and started running away from it as fast as i could, how much longer could i keep this up for? running away?

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Fear to Tread

"you're the one who always accuses me of running away from things," klein had answered as calmly as he'd been able to. "but this isn't about me trying to convince you to run away from something.

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A Fable - The Dog, the Rabbit, and the Python.

The dog looked at the rabbit with suspicion and said, "how do i know you will not run away, as soon as i let you go?"

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 3

When you see me what i truly look like, you'll probably run away, and i'll never see you again." -- "i promise i won't run away! just let me go!" -- "i don't want you to promise that much.

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Trapped Under The Paw

Snapping out of his trance, he saw one of the feet approach him, ready to flatten him under it; even if he would run away, it would be too late, but would that be a terrible fate?

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My Dad Is Dead

She found an opportunity and fled with me, a run away hiding from place to place, running from him... until a familly found us one nioght in a parking and compassionately adopted us.

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Feral Paradise - Chapter One

They woke up their parents to run away. fayte has to leave her parents behind in the fire and has to run away with kei's family.

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S1 Ep5 The girl

The police officers tried to get his attention but had run away far enough so that artemis was in earshot but chose to run away.

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"I forsook myself, Paulie"

I can't take it anymore, i can't take all the horrible things i did to the people i truly love, you and my children._ _i told them the truth, and now i've run away, back to where we lived.

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 16.

Then as bluro, milo, bluro and purplo run away from the guards, they find that the door was locked and they noticed they have red's arms. "give me those!" bluro said.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 18)

"the plan is in action" i said into my radio "when you see your opportunity, take it" the rex growled, trying to give the rogue one last chance to run away, but he wouldn't, he stood his ground and hissed back.

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