Name: Cicero Alphonso Blake Species: Skunk Fur: Black with a white stripe, as is the usual with skunks. Pattern typical, slightly narrower than average. Hair: Black, temple length, usually kept feathered in a side part. Eyes: Blue ...
An Ordinary Day - Extra: Character Bios
#1 of an ordinary day character bios for "an ordinary day". i will also post updated versions as i add new characters, or as we learn more about the characters already posted.
WC day 4 character bios
Two more character bios come up later too. not very pleased with them either.
Aikidu Ven
Name: Aikidu Veneanar "Ven" in the common parlance Species: Arctic Fox, Magically altered. Fur: White as the driven snow. Hair: Overly long to about his waist, and white. Eyes: Violet, result of magical infusion. Age: Apparent age...
Shooting Star - Gemini
. ============================================================================== character bio - gemini appearance: grey wolf. wears a light blue and yellow robe. age: ???
Digimon Protecter
Digimon protecter character bio takuya ishibashi-tamer of courage partner:botamon\>koromon\>agumon\>greymon\>risegreymon\>wargreymon\>wargreymon x/ victorymon satoshi kishimoto-tamer of friendship partner: punimon\>tsunomon\>gabumon\>garurumon\>weregarurumon
My Test for whats wrong with the color pallet???.
**here's a copied sample of my avatar's bio with the color pallet problem in upload:** **my full character bio of tonitrui lupus:** **species:** wolf, male, standing on two legs, and i can talk (obviously).
Brief Bio/Origin: Dreamhunter Spirit-Howl
#2 of lore: brief character bio/origins dreamhunters are a breed forged by nightmares and the psychic ability to traverse through different states of being specifically through dreams.
GoD-Ep20-Confronting the source-
Remember who i am i never figured my shadow would have appeared to take me" (this is his character bio below this) full name: kendric "callum" smith before his death and spirit going to the dream world, he was in an abusive family and was put into a coma before
MF-Ep1-The Intro-
-taken from their character bios- unlike the magic fighters their normal outfits are just their basic school uniforms: a basic blue blazer with a black polo shirt under it with black slacks and any comfortable pair of shoes.
Brief Bio/Origins Lore: Shiaddos
#1 of lore: brief character bio/origins shiaddos was born in a ancient village known as memir. memir, a location that most of the outside world declare as a "place out of time". it is one of a handful of villages that still remain from the old world.
Rick and Jasper
#3 of character bios jasper species: werewolf age: 28 orientation: straight home: originally came from a pack a great distance from where he now lives as part of seekers pack with his brother rick.