D.E1 Chapter 54: The Third Offense Part IV
Zonda and his team were completely outnumbered by those spheres.
D.E1 Chapter 51: The Third Offense Part I
Zonda and his team had completely lost control over the enemy and now thousands of those spheres were unloading two assassin machines each. not only they were overwhelmed by the surprise attack, but now they were surely overwhelmed on numbers.
It's A Love Story
Her species were losing the great war that they were in. they were in fox territory, and the kitsunes were overpowering them as their population was rapidly spreading.
Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)
The soldiers who were loyal to general ulf were slowly pushing back the carolean rebels.
Lovers Dancing [ Installment 3 ]
The doors up front were locked, check-in desk was empty. the major research was all finished, so they were up; that's why the pressure was on for them to dressrehearse; there were the only ones there in the building.
Loonatics Unleashed: The Untold Beginning
However, the tasmanian devil looked different as his eyes were glowing, like as he were possessed.
Project X | Prologue: Origins
The people were of no concern to them, but the rest of the world leaders were an entirely different story.
The Adamant Scar's Retribution!
The streets were kept in order, and were made of cobblestone because the most of the citizens preferred it and did not mind the tax increases for the look.
The Tale of Durante and Angelus Ch 1: A Place to Call Home, Part 6
They were both seven... and the youngest of us all. they tagged along and by the time we knew they were following us we were already out of the orphanage so we let them come with us.
Chapter 7: Contact in Varala
The businesses were located along the main roads and outward from them were the less business like structures, such as temples, governmental buildings and other miscellaneous non-residences. outward form those were the residential houses.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 6: Aware And Terrified
The sad fact was that with all forms of technology down if there were survivors in the five cities, they were isolated and cut off from each other.
Something Witchy in Salem
The two adult dogs were gone. all everyone saw were a couple of pampers packing puppies. and that's all they were. no more adult thoughts or desires. they just wanted candy and their momma. several days had passed.