Binary Genetics, Chapter 1

"so you have to warn them. warn the victims of this outrage to not eat candy." hall pointed his fork at keller. "now." "we cannot, mister president. due to funding cuts, we've lost track of some of the test subjects. there's also another issue."

The Hype Industries Super Clones Instruction manual

But be careful not to be too harsh with your punishments as your clones may see this as a form of resent from their owner and may run away to a new master.....or retaliate warning!

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Clan War, War of Light, Chapter 2 Lost memories

You're safe my child, your inside your own mind, i'm the oracle of the elements and i've come to warn you rose, daughter of sermonde, that everything is not was it seems, you cant trust anyone, they have come for you rose, and they want your powers


Vegetables Are Dangerous People

Guns were waved and warning shots were fired; signaling the "don't come near here or everyone is dead" speech. it's always a wonder how so many actions can speak volumes rather than words.

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A Split Heart: Part 2

She probably would have woken him to warn him. he got off the couch and grabbed his bag. then he padded quietly over to the washroom, where he quickly changed into a newer (and better smelling) outfit.

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Cataclysm - #1

Content warning: references of death, loss of a loved one. this is not a main focus and only takes a small yet descriptive part within the story.

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Beautiful princess

If you read this story and suffer damage, get caught, whatever don't sue me because i warned you. all characters in this story are © by their creators / players.

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Episode Ten: MAAB

Again, meech glared a warning. "he does." "and i'll trust him with the delivery." skirl leaned forward, titled his head and gave p'rao a once over, slowly, raking his gaze up and down until p'rao's feet longed to be shifting.

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Raiyev Part 24

They only started shrinking it to serve as a warning to us not to mess with them, just as they were shrinking that other planet they made you attack."

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Chapter 1: Hatching

#2 of twin's tale **_warning:_** umm...standard stuff...nothing to really warn against unless you count the death...and that's nowhere near permenant... * * * _warmth. a pulse, steady, strong. another, weaker, same as mine. comfort... contained.


Part 2 - The Lesson

For sometimes they manifest in dragons of a young age with no warning, and those around them may get hurt if that happens." so it was that my father started training me in magick.

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Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix

To make a long story short: christopher campbell was given a stern warning by the officer (and his parents, from what i later gathered) never to approach me again.

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